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About Huli

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  1. Hi, I think it may something to do with the numbers in the brackets. As you have quality enchantment - fine already there you can not enchant the quality any more. Some other items have more possible enchantments on one type.
  2. Yes, deinstalling hamachi did help and there are no more issues during inventory management. But considering this is a single player game... why is it coded so that there are some requests towards the network cards? Couldnt this be somehow avoided?
  3. Hello all, I have problems with the loading times on several occasions: 1. at character creation the portratits switch after around 10-15 seconds 2. the load of the inventory screen ingame as well as manipulation of items(equiping stuff) 3. the voiceover on text starts after 5-7 seconds after the text(this may be intentional...) Version - steam 508 I have tried: game restart, computer restart, disabling of avast antivirus, disabling of comodo firewall, verifying game integrity cache, updating directX, updating c++ redistributable. Checking now in the drivers on my motherboard/graphics card... My setup: Windows 7 -64 bit Intel 2500K ASUS P8P67 8GM Ram Geforce GTX580(dr. ver. 344.75)
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