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Australia by way of Ontario, Canada
Hawk, As for Kreia's comments I believe they were meant to be taken in the vein that there will always be Jedi and Sith in the galaxy. Look at how many times the Jedi Order has been wiped out, only to linger on and rebuild. The force is always present and it's just a matter of time before another rises to the defense of the galaxy as a Jedi. Similarily there will always be those who taste power and use it for their own gains and therefore the Sith will remain. For every Jedi/Sith killed another will take their place is what I believe was her intended meaning. As for a LS character spawned from Malachor I wouldn't think it would be plausible. Nihilus and Sion were spawned out of the pain and death of Malachor in one way or another, and the Exile has to cut himself off from the force to survive it. I don't believe a LS character could have been spawned from such a mass tragedy, but there is always the arguement that out of every tragedy some good may come. Its just a matter of preference I guess, mine would be to leave the it at 2 Sith Lords, and move on from this concept. LeVeRRe
On the inventory system, just a thought. I think it could be done in a simple yet effective way by doing the following; 1. Have a limit on the number of items that each character can carry. They should be able to have their standard equipables as currently ie. armor, belts, gloves, etc. As well as the choice of a melee weapon(s if a two handed fighter) and ranged weapon(s is two handed). Then another slot for storage of another weapon of their choice). Beyond that have a weight limit for misc. items. 2. When a character finds something on a corpse or in a container the regular pick up, drop screen would pop up. However, a new option would be present, send to ship. If this is selected then it would happen as such. The screen would do a quick fade to black and then back to the current scene (not a load, a few secs at most). It would save the running back to the ship at all times, but at least give the semblance of time passing. I think it would work, anyone else? 3. On a note, quest necessary items should have their carry weight negated so that you do not send some random item (which will become important on the current quest) to the ship, only to find you need it. Some suspension of disbelief is necessary it is a video game afteall. Any thoughts, LeVeRRe
EHP, I'm only 95% sure of this, as I usually have a lghtsaber by the time I fight Visas, but I do believe if you do not have a complete loghtsaber that beaten her will give you a piece of one. However, I do know that if your already have one when fighting her she'll give you a completed lightsaber. If you've completed Nar Shadda already, you really should have a lightsaber by now, it is the planet I find the fastest to get a lightsaber. There are many places and quests there that will award a lightsaber or lightsaber piece. If you missed some read the gamefaqs.com walkthrough it'll outline them for you. Cheers, LeVeRRe
On the topic of the inventory system, or lack thereof, I agree that something has to be done. At first I was very in favor of the limitations as to how much weight or item slots you could fill up. However, Jediphile raises a good point that I don't believe was commented on, at least considerably. What then happens when you find new loot on the quests. Would you be in favor of having to drop an item to get the new item? Might not be a problem for some items, but the levels being as big as they are, with the rapid transit system taken out, I'd be very dissatisfied if I had to drop one of my beloved items to get a cool new one. I still believe the storage in the Ebon Hawk and limited inventory is a good idea, however I think the bigger question is how to make it feasible and realistic at the same time. Perhaps, when you find a new item it allows you a feature to immediately store it away on the Hawk (or whatever ship there is), or swap it for an existing item on the player specific inventory. Any ideas on this matter? Cheers, LeVeRRe
Hawk, 1. I'll hold any further judgements as to the spy component of your story until I see where you are going with this, as your suggested. And I have few if any ideas as to where you are going with this, so develop away. 2. As for returning to Dantooine and Korriban in KOTOR2. Dantooine was done successfully in my eyes, as they expanded on the existing planet and story quite well I thought. It could have been better, but hey, that's a part of life. As for Korriban I am torn. I see Korriban as an important planet for the Sith and as long as the story is well developed I would not be opposed to going back again if need be. The problem lies in the fact that in KOTOR2 it was poorly developed and little was gained from going there, which was disappointing to me. Revisiting planets is fine by me as long as there is a logical and well developed reason for it. 3. I assume the planet issue was raised to draw links to including old characters is the same as visiting old planets.... not the case in my opinion but to each their own. Apples and Oranges after all. Including older characters in cameos is one thing, but having them be party members is another animal all together. It also seems like your stretching with the Vandar cutting himself off from the force thing. If anything he'd have gone into hiding like the other Jedi masters in KOTOR2. BTW, I would imagine cutting oneself off from the force would not be an option for him, as its only been done a few times in all of Star Wars timeline and I doubt any Jedi would pursue that option in any circumstances. That's like your cutting off your legs because you'd be able to hide behind bushes more effectively if a burglar was coming. Cheers, LeVeRRe
Hawk, A couple points. First of before I do, it seems in your last response to Jediphile that you sounded a bit defensive. If that was not the case, be aware that it reads that way, at least to me. I thought the reason for posting a story on the forum would be to have people find possible areas of improvement, voice opinions or point out flaws in continuity that perhaps you were not aware of. My posts are simply there as constructive criticism to you in an attempt to guide your creative process a bit, or refine it. 1. To add to the Revan being sent after the Star Maps issue. He was ordered by the council after having taken every precaution they had. However they knew it was still a risk. They did so because they had no other choice not because it was a sound strategy. Revan's shattered mind was the only clue to follow. 2. A viamently agree that Vandar shoudl not be a party member. I personally thought his death was all but covered as best as they could do in KOTOR2, but that is not the problem I see in it. If you look hard enough for holes, you could bring almost any character in any film, book, etc back to life, because you never actually saw it, or the doctor didn't check a pulse, etc. It seems you're stretching out of a yoda species loyalty. The real reason I disagree with your choice to include him is that you have him join the party. Jediphile raised very logical issues as to his far to high level to be included. Your Bastilla comment had merit, but remember she was a member of the strike team, but she was neither a master or a vertern Jedi as the game outlines. She was a young Jedi strong in the force in the area of battle meditation. Vandar was a Jedi Master on the council, and saying that you never saw him fight with a lightsaber is not justification as he could be more focused on force control, etc. There is no possible way that he could be lower than level 20, as both characters from KOTOR and KOTOR2 were absurdly strong and were not Jedi masters, at least yet. I think if you really want a Yoda species character introduce a new one, don't rehash a familiar face. 3. In addition to the above point, you argued that T3 started at level 3 in KOTOR2 after being powerful. This was explained in the beginning in convo about having lost functionality and what not in battles. Not the best excuse, but believable for a droid to a degreee. It was still considered a flaw to most. Unless Vandar lost his memory (please god no) it could not be explained logically. 4. If you want to include characters that are reminiscent of former characters feel free, I will not challenge you in that. I simply would like to raise the issue that a truly good story is often a great story because of its originality in plot and character. A new and unique character would please me a lot more than a clone of an old character, no matter how much I liked them. Just food for thought there. There yah go, LeVeRRe
Hawk, I have a few notes, if you're interested. 1. On the topic of the Jedi infiltrator/spy character. Not sure if the Jedi would do this even if their ranks were in desperate decline as they are in the KOTOR series. If you know much of the EU, Ulic Qel-Droma was lost to the darkside if only for a time, upon trying to infiltrate the Krath, a lesser group of darksiders. The council warned him this would be the case, and if a Jedi as powerful as Ulic could fall to the Krath's lure, imagine how hard it would be in an actual Sith academy. Somehting you might want to bare in mind. 2. I agree with Jediphile about the use of Dagobah. You might want to consider if you are using it for the purpose of story, or if you are maybe using it out of a Yoda or movie loyalty. I think the purposes of your story could be served better on another planet. Just my thoughts. 3. You may want to elaborate on the DS option when Revan attacks you in the Sith academy. To me it read like Revan and you fought to a standstill (at least for a few blows) and then he retreated, blocking his path behind him. At this point it would make no logical sense to have it that way, as a Sith as powerful as Revan would not flee from a fight with a currently much weaker PC. Seems forced. Hope these help or at least gave you another view on some of your story aspects. Cheers, LeVeRRe
Hey there, I see that unintentionally a bit of a dispute has erupted from my jawa question. For the record, both Exmortis and thepixiesrock were correct as far as the were concerned. Exmortis if you revisit the databank and click the expanded universe tab next the the movies tab in the jawa index section, it will give a more detailed description noting the insects in the recesses of the hood. Then its just a matter of if people take the EU as fact or if they are movie purists. It is however on Lucas's Official site, for what it is worth. Hope that helps clear things up, LeVeRRe
Thanks for the answers guys and gals. For the record, I really dislike the idea of Jawa Jedi's as well. However, one would think that with their expertise in salvage and droid technology, that one of them would have become a bit nomadic in his time and ventured out. Ah well. Any other answers to the queries would be appreciated. Cheers, LeVeRRe
Vagrant, I've read your posts and enjoy your imagination. It is not my prototypical idea for a story, but you do have some strong ideas and elements there. Good writing is crafted through consistent and constant practice and revision, so keep it up. I agree whole-heartedly with Meta's previous post as to the very different or reverse paths for LS and DS. The presence of truly divergent courses for the PC would be a strong selling point for any future KOTOR story, at least in my eyes. Cheers, LeVeRRE
Hey all, First post, but I've silently prowled the forums now for almost a year now, finally thought it was time to jump in. I was just wondering if anyone would be able to answer a couple little queries that I had about Star Wars related items; 1. Do members of the Vurk species (ie. Coleman Trebor) speak galactic basic? 2. Are there any instances in the EU of a Jawa venturing out to be more than a simple salvager on Tatooine. For example; could a Jawa or has a Jawa in a novel or comic ever become a starship mechanic, or something of the sort? Any help on these would be greatly appreciated as most of my knowledge stems from the Old Republic through the KOTOR games and the TOTJ comic series. Thanks in advance. LeVeRRe