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Everything posted by Maccabeus

  1. I appreciate everyone's comments! And yes, I agree that it does seem nit-picky to avoid a game because of language on one hand, while being completely fine with violence/murder/etc. But like some have already mentioned, gratuitous use of language can be attributed to lazy writing and can be off-putting (in my opinion). If dialogue is a constant, f-this, f-ing that, then I begin to question, "Can the writers not be more imaginative?" From what I've seen so far, that isn't the case, and I appreciate that Thanks for mentioning the streams. I've watched a few already, although most were focused on character creation. I'll definitely check out some more. I checked GOG's website, and most of the refunds were due to technical issues. I guess I'll have to cross that bridge in the future if I need to return something for reasons other than technical ones.
  2. First of all, this game looks awesome. I really, really, really, want to give Obsidian my money for this game. It's made me start a new game of Baldur's Gate 2 just to scratch the isometric rpg itch I've been having recently. Now, I'm probably in the minority asking about this, but it's a concern that will determine whether or not I'll buy this game. So: based on the Mature ESRB, how prevalent is the (stronger) profanity in this game? The ESRB summary says: So, is that one instance? Is there only one dialogue where it appears? How often is it used? I guess we won't really know until the full game is out. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate more "mature" writing and themes. I don't mind "lore based profanity". But I recently bought Shadowrun:Dragonfall, and the (more explicit) profanity occurred so often that it was immersion breaking and annoying, and unfortunately Steam doesn't offer refunds. However, I recently learned that GOG offers refunds, so I can certainly try it out.
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