Darth Vossk
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KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Darth Vossk replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
ummm...yeaaa sith use healing just as much as a jedi would, it may have been a jedi invented power that doesnt mean sith dont use it as much or less. i think it is better if you are not restricted to powers. because that would only take away the realisim. p.s. hey to who ever said that K1 and K2 were rated the best RPG in the states to me, i wasnt saying it is a bad game im just saying we need more choices. and a longer game. (and if you keep makeing te same game over and over it will get boring and it whont be the best RPG you need choices) still havent got a email, darkwolfenstein@hotmail.com come on people test me with your star wars knowlage. -
KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Darth Vossk replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Hey, iv posted a few replys every now and then about KOTOR III, (mostly because they were realy long and, basicly different versions of what i think should be the story line) but iv changed it a bit, and i would like public appinion on it (o and this is just a heads up, incase i miss spell something dont freak out unles you cant read it) Ok so this is a few things i think should be changed, First off i think that the fact you always start out as some one who has been affiliated with the jedi is getting realy, realy annoying (to me anyways) of course there have been a few games were you turned out to be a great sith lord who lost his power captured by the jedi, then brain washed to be used against the sith. ( KOTOR I) any ways i mean do the developers realize that there are people who dont give a flyin fauck about the jedi? and maby just maby whant more choice in what there character was before you started?! So im sayin that you should be able to choose what your past affiliations were, and you should start out as that person. Of course you would still be able to go dark or light later on if you decided you didnt whant to be what you origanly put, but chances are you would whant to stay as a sith or a jedi. What im mostly doing here is tryng to make KOTOR III (if it is ever made) more like Star Wars Galaxies (but still not the same experience) because then it would'nt be origanle. But i mean isnt a RPG about choice, and how maby these things would affect you in real life if it were real? i mean in KOTOR II sure you could train Atton but would he act like a sith? hell no! he would be plain old Atton annoying and the replacment of Carth. Seriously its not that much to ask for, more realistic game play, and more choices. Second off i guess would be the planets, why in the hell are we limited to like 6, or some small number of planets HELLO! thats about a billion planets off, i mean come on its to much of a following the leader thing. make the game more expansed like i whant to go to Trandosha and help the Trandoshans slave wookies, or i whant to go to Rodia and help the Rodians smuggle spice, or i whant to go to COURESCANT!!! i eman its the most mentioned and gone to planet in the Star Wars galaxie. But then i whant planets no one has ever been to. Once again MORE CHOICE. Alright one thing that makes me pull out my hair in games like these is the conversation choices...i mean this right here just gets me (o and if for some reason the choice i make would affect how the game should play out, like i make some disicon to kill some one who plays a huge roll in the game and that some how sets in mostion events that would normaly not happen) ok this is an example of such things happening, on Duxen KOTOR II you have to choose a party leader for a seperate party that is going to attack the sith temple of Freedon Nad, (i usaly choose Atton) any ways so once i get to the bottome of the place and the Sith are doing there ritual thing they ask me if i would join the dark side? you dont say yes you just ask questions about how much more powerful the DS is then the LS. but at the end he asks you to join him, but you are left with a choice of saying NEVER ILL NEVER TURN TO THE DAKR SIDE, or I DONT SHARE MY POWER, come on if you were alowed to join that could create a whole nother story, (and i would jsut like to point out that Carth, is some times dead in KOTOR II, and sometimes he is alive) this does affect slitely how the game is played, although i dont know how to tell what to do to make him dead. any ways this is a iratating thing ot me and once again CHOICES PEOPLE CHOICES! Ok i ask you have you ever looked at your clothes and said "you know these are so boring clohes they all kinda look the same but they have different names...i wonder if any thing was more origanle, or maby creative...hmm i wonder" well you probaly havent but seriosuly the armor choice in KOTOR I and II is so lame. i mean its all the same thing (maby not color wise but look wise) i mean lets look at other games that are realy origanle Star Wars Galaxies look at the line up of armor clothing, weapons, capes, hats, helmets, ect. I mean is it so hard to get realy creative armor, or maby more peices to it (id go into detail but its like 11:36 here so im kinda tired) but i mean seriosuly come on people step it up, and BE CREATIVE!!!!!!!! Ok to rap it up let me jsut say this would be the most important thing to me DIFFERENT SPECIES! GOD! i cant say it enough i love being human and all but i mean im human every day, i whant to be something else when im in my world. Give me Trandoshans, give me Twei'leks, give me Aqualish, give me Ithorians, give me Zabraks, Iridorians, Gand, Kel-Dor, Gamorean, give me CHOICES! but iv said enough for now. i could go on but i will later...but i need sleep now, think of what i have said so far and tell me what you think. o hey also im looking for people knowlagble of Star Wars (and i mean realy observant, sees all the things people miss, and is well..."upsest" lets say like me) so make like a small quiz of like all the things of Star Wars you know and send it to me at darkwolfenstein@hotmail.com, i whant my skills to be tested. P.S. i just would ike to say that i do realize that there are many choces in KOTOR but not as many as i would like. i whant it to be more realistis then life. lol if possible :D -
Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Darth Vossk replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Well if they actuly read the ones on kotor 2, they must have been basicly the same ideas, that or obsidian was to lazy to change it. hey would you happen to know where there is any good starwars D&D style games that arent wizards base game? -
Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Darth Vossk replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
what are your takes on kotor at all? o and i probaly another reason i posted all that is because (if you whatch G4 TV) Xplay a game rating show said that (just a rumor but a fan must beileve) they are already beginnig work on KOTOR 3 was this rumor discreteded? -
Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Darth Vossk replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
i know but i have to post my thoughts that have formed for one year dont I? -
Kotor 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Darth Vossk replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
OK this is my first post on obsidian, so pleas at least acknowledge it. ok i am a huge fan of kotor 1, and 2 (2 more though) any ways i have watched starwars since i can remeber, and back then i remeber one thing at most, the fact that it was always about the good guys, and the teachings of the jedi, and that stuff (mind you this is before the new movies out ep. 1, 2, and 3) but this has frustraited me since then till now, to these games. But even with all of the stuff and choices in this game, and some being released now there has been one problem, YOU ARE NEVER TRULY A SITH!!! Ok there is you are dark, you are evil, but what did you start out as...A JEDI servant of the light! so i havent read any of the post before me so some one might have mentioned this already. ok so to my point i whant to be able to choose at the start, wether my guy was a scum low life thug, or a bounty hunter working his way up the rankes of his peers, or a jedi who seeks a path of justice and goody goody nisss...stuff, or a dark jedi (mind you this is no sith it was once a jedi now following the dark side no sith), or become a sith, a full blood sith, who one day decided "hey im going to train at the sith academy and become a dark dude!" and the choice could go on and on, of course but you could limit it down to a suitable length. Any ways what im saying here is that you ALWAYS START OUT AS A SITH WITH A CONCUSION WHO ENDS UP TRAINING TO BE A JEDI, OR A JEDI WHO HAS YET TO CHOOSE HIS ROLE AND PATH IN THE GALAXY. so pleas consider my thoughts and requests, a few more things i want to add though, yes there would still be the choices of words and dark and light side points, but if someone chooses the path of say a bounty hunter, but then says wait i whant to be a sith instead, and heads to the academy on Korriban (rebuilt of course) and decides to learn the way of the dark side of the force and become a great sith. See that was the problem you were never truly sith because the sith guys you still fight, the dark jedi, and sith never followed you the jedi did, and at the end of the game you felt like you were just nothing. Had enough of me yet? didnt think so, so to my second thought there needs to be ALIEN RACES AVAILBLE not just human (yes i like being human, yes i would most likely in real life choose to be one instead) but a problem with this not being able to be one is this 1.) you dont have sertain weaknesses and strengths against the elemensts, and fellow beings 2.) other aliens treat you better becuase your one of them not a human (a problem in KOTOR 2 at the Jekk' Jekk Tar) aliens treated you badly, but if you could choose to be one they wouldnt 3.) DIFFRENT EXPIERENCE which KOTOR is all about, is a diffrent expierence here is a list of some aliens that should be availble Trandoshan, Aquilish, Tweil'ek, Weequya, Mandalorine even, rodian, ect. and to conclude this Customization, o pleas if any of you at obsidian have played Star Wars Galaxies pleas look at there customizing character sheet, it looks much better and it is way more of a new EXPIERENCE!!!! need me to say it again? no, good. Well im done (and pleas i ment no disrespect, i actuly prefure you over bio ware) but take this to mind pleas pleas i cant say it enough, you need tom ake it better then 1 and 2 make it stand out, make it a new expierence. pleas o and with planets and things to do many more many more my obsidian freinds. Your Fan, Darth Vossk P.S. i could go on and on but let me conclude it like this new ship, and be able to make it your self, and be able to join the sith, or rebek army and get there armor, o and just like morrowind if you dont mind me pointing out, when you kill someone whatever you see them wearing or using you get after you kill them. ONE WORD AND THIS WORD WILL MAKE THE GAME TEN MILLION TIMES BETTER, CUSTOMIZATION, (and forgive me for any typos i bet theres many)