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Posts posted by Larsenex

  1. So i am picking up the game and starting back at lvl 13. My current party has Zahua in heavy armor sporting a SoEP Durgan refined. However it just 'feels' like Eder would do a better job.


    My toon is the pally tank while sporting a rogue with durgan refined tall grass, a Cypher, Aloth, and Durance. 


    I dunno but the Monk feels odd somehow. I was used to Eder but many threads say Zahua is better for the off tank and dmg dealer than Eder ever will be.


    What are your thoughts and how to use him (Zahua)...

  2. Greetings folks. I am tooling around in Chapter 1 and I thought there was a Fine Estoc from a prior run in Chapter 1. 


    Does anyone have any insight if this is the case and where it might be?


    Also as much as I dislike the Dozens I am likely to side with them simply to get Cloudpiercer. Does anyone have stats on that bow and how I can progress through to get it?



  3. So i started a new 'normal' game for 1.05. I HATE the lack of focus on my Cypher. It sucks. I dont like it. 


    I made a ranged rogue. I read the previous thread on an Optimum PoTD build and he was preferring a War Bow. I read another thread that said Arbalests are very good. 


    My rogue will run around in a Fine robe and avoid hits like a wilting flower I may even just get fine clothes. 


    Since Hold Wall is not working with its speed buff, what would be a good weapon in the hands of a Ranged rogue? 


    I am wood elf, 18 str, 19 dex, and already took Marksman and Dirty Fighting. So I am about to pick a weapon focus for the accuracy. 


    Sooooo... What will it be? Warbow (cloudpiercer) or a plain old enchanted Arbalest?



  4. I am about to descend into the catacombs in Coppperlane. I have the mats and the money but I am out of Pilgrims Crown. Is there a place where I can find some and does it 'grow back' from areas I previously visited? I have not yet built the apothecary at Caed Nua yet. I need 2 Pilgrims Crown to 'fine up' the Arbalest for my ranged rogue.


    Any advice is welcome!

  5. So I have been playing on Normal. Easy mode I suppose. However at 5th lvl I am now getting swarms of enemies. 6 or even 8. I have Eder and he has defender stance and a custom Monk, yet the monk cannot take hits and the mobs swarm around Eder and go right to Aloth. I am seriously thinking that if I removed the melee dps (monk) and added another fighter life would be fine. Slow but fine. 


    Me (Cypher) -Blunderbus

    Rogue -Arqebus

    Durance - Staff,  but I am about to give him a gun or Arbalest does a good job debuffing. 

    Aloth, going to give him more debuffing spells and FIREBALL!!!


    So the Monk is my off tank but he really does not hold up at all. 


    Eder if literally unstoppable even with 5 mobs wailing on him. 


    My logic is if I can get another tank to tie up adds it would give my ranged a better time of it. Even if I made the fighter a two handed user with more 'dps' focus. 



  6. I have a Monk and I am not really thrilled with his Fist dmg. I had to put him into a breastplate when facing the last encounter in Roderics hold. Fists vrs Plate = fail. So...


    I am changing my Monk from a Bruce Li to an Armoured Sir Gawain.  Put him in some medium armor (Breastplate) and I am tinkering with him using 'justice' the sword from that encounter. 


    Seems to work. I wish there was a talent or class option to both improve fist base dmg or allow you to put enchantments on them. 


    It got me to thinking....


    What class do you think is a good 'two hander' for dps? I have read that Two handers are worthless as you get better/optimum dps via 'dual wield'. 


    Any thoughts or suggestions?

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