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Posts posted by UtherOrange





    "Camera turning in an isometric game with 2D backgrounds..."


    Keyrock, if I dare call you sir, are a cur to mock with your sneer my legitimate complaint.


    I obviously KNOW that this game has 2D backgrounds AND that turning of cameras is impossible because of that!......BUT EVEN DIABLO, the first of may games of this kind, mastered the art of making TRANSPARENT, things that PC and Targets had stepped behind, whether they be giant trees, bushes, walls, rocks, whatever...... And it made it so the PLAYER could SEE his party and his PC, and anything else hidden by the "2D background, which then became carefully and CLEARLY  rendered "TRANSPARENT". 


    I want to hear what Obsidian has to say about this.  THIS IS NOT TRIVIAL. EVERY OTHER GAME OF THIS ILK MUST AND HAS USED TRANSPARENCY to keep from hiding 30-40% of the action behind objects in the painting. 


    This game is gorgeous, but the combat is horrific because of "NOT VISIBLE" action taking place behind all manner of thing. I DARE YOU TO SAY I AM WRONG.  When you said you had reached 4 MILLION DOLLARS in your kickstarter, you said you were going to improve, well , EVERYTHING.  DID NONE OF YOU NOTICE THIS HORRIBLE GAME FRUSTRATING BUG???? ARE YOU THAT BLIND???????


    I am ready to hear your defence, gentlemen and ladies of Obsidian. I am NOT afraid of your flames. BECAUSE I'M RIGHT and YOU KNOW IT.





  2. PLEASE BUMP THIS UP TO THE TOP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS IS THE ONE THING THAT CAN KILL THE BEST RPG every published!!!! No exageration. Read it. think about it. Ask Obsidian to DO something about it so it doesn't fade into the $5 bin over night.


    This message is FAR too important to be buried in somebody else's comments. It needs to stand alone! All POE Users, Backers, Kickstarter Backers, Everyone, PLEASE read this and respond to this problem. This is a VERY REAL VISUAL GAME KILLER! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FLAME ME! THIS REALLY MUST BE FIXED AND SOON! IT will make this BEAUTIFUL GOLD-STANDARD game FAIL! IT WILL CAUSE ENDLESS CONFUSION, and people will GIVE UP!




    MODERATOR, please don't kill  this! I'm on YOUR side. I want this game to succeed like no game before it. This is all truth and its important to YOU and your job.  I'm yelling "The emperor has no clothes".  But everyone CAN see it and it's NOT too late to fix!


    I thought it was ME at first. I've played all of  the older RPG's with fixed orthogonal view, where you can move camera forward,back,left right......but can't turn camera at all.  All of these game seemed to make this work by using "smart transparency", where you could really see who was who, and who's circle was who's.  


    This game is beautiful, and I'm crying over it right now...And I've fought with only 2 characters so far, and it seems that I get myself stuck endlessly with the enemy's back to me, and my 1.2 party members DIRECTLY behind him, even when nothing's in front. and if you're behind a big tree, well, its time to make popcorn! 


    I've had really really high hopes for this game. I've read every word in the gigantic Prima Guide, the whole User Manual, the GamePressure massive game site, the Official Pillars of Eternity WIKI, and you know what?????


    NONE of it matters at all if the combat mechanics are such that you can't see and control 2 PC's, much less 6 hidden behind trees or whatever.... For the GODS' sake, even Diablo did transparency right. 


    I feel sick. I've spent weeks planning out my PC and the avaliable 8 NPC's that you can pick for good in your party. I'm seriously deeply invested in this game now. 


    Obsidian, how could you have MISSED this OBVIOUS, terrible combat killer, especially when there and so many characters to manage and micro-manage through combat.  I'm dumbstruck. Truly!


    Ok, so now i'm ready to be flamed, and its ok, because you ALL KNOW I'M RIGHT. I'm sitting here crying because I can't imagine how to handle 2,3,4,5,6 characters intricately in combat.   No "smart object transparency, no transparency at all", No ability to "turn the camera" at ALL, EVER.    This game will die because of  this, and I'm sitting here crying my eyes out over it. 


    I''m 58, a woman, and I've played every RPG (and shooter) released since 1990;. Yes, I HAVE seen it all. And I'm a professional programmer.... What can you do to FIX THIS????

    We need you, Obsidian! This game is far too complex to play without "smart transparency" and/or camera turning.  Just can't be done with this many characters that mostly have to micro-managed.


    Help me out here, oldtimers who've played all the other games. Tell Obsidian what it feels like to fight something behind a tree when you can't see EITHER combatant characters, or their stats, or their circles.....at ALL.


    My heart is broken, and I backed this game. I'm hurting. bad.


    Laurel Swearengen



    I don't want to throw this game away. I want to play the best RPG I've ever DREAMED ABOUT in the oldschool way! But it has to have the visual "requirements" to make it playable, Obsidian. I love you Obsidian. I've played all you games. ALL OF THEM. What happened here? Fess up and fix it. We're all waiting . Please help us.



    MODERATOR, please don't kill  this! I'm on YOUR side. I want this game to succeed like no game before it. This is all truth and its important to YOU and your job.  I'm yelling "The emperor has no clothes".  But everyone CAN see it and it's NOT too late to fix!


    I thought it was ME at first. I've played all of  the older RPG's with fixed orthogonal view, where you can move camera forward,back,left right......but can't turn camera at all.  All of these game seemed to make this work by using "smart transparency", where you could really see who was who, and who's circle was who's.  


    This game is beautiful, and I'm crying over it right now...And I've fought with only 2 characters so far, and it seems that I get myself stuck endlessly with the enemy's back to me, and my 1.2 party members DIRECTLY behind him, even when nothing's in front. and if you're behind a big tree, well, its time to make popcorn! 


    I've had really really high hopes for this game. I've read every word in the gigantic Prima Guide, the whole User Manual, the GamePressure massive game site, the Official Pillars of Eternity WIKI, and you know what?????


    NONE of it matters at all if the combat mechanics are such that you can't see and control 2 PC's, much less 6 hidden behind trees or whatever.... For the GODS' sake, even Diablo did transparency right. 


    I feel sick. I've spent weeks planning out my PC and the avaliable 8 NPC's that you can pick for good in your party. I'm seriously deeply invested in this game now. 


    Obsidian, how could you have MISSED this OBVIOUS, terrible combat killer, especially when there and so many characters to manage and micro-manage through combat.  I'm dumbstruck. Truly!


    Ok, so now i'm ready to be flamed, and its ok, because you ALL KNOW I'M RIGHT. I'm sitting here crying because I can't imagine how to handle 2,3,4,5,6 characters intricately in combat.   No "smart object transparency, no transparency at all", No ability to "turn the camera" at ALL, EVER.    This game will die because of  this, and I'm sitting here crying my eyes out over it. 


    I''m 58, a woman, and I've played every RPG (and shooter) released since 1990;. Yes, I HAVE seen it all. And I'm a professional programmer.... What can you do to FIX THIS????

    We need you, Obsidian! This game is far too complex to play without "smart transparency" and/or camera turning.  Just can't be done with this many characters that mostly have to micro-managed.


    Help me out here, oldtimers who've played all the other games. Tell Obsidian what it feels like to fight something behind a tree when you can't see EITHER combatant characters, or their stats, or their circles.....at ALL.


    My heart is broken, and I backed this game. I'm hurting. bad.


    Laurel Swearengen



    I don't want to throw this game away. I want to play the best RPG I've ever DREAMED ABOUT in the oldschool way! But it has to have the visual "requirements" to make it playable, Obsidian. I love you Obsidian. I've played all you games. ALL OF THEM. What happened here? Fess up and fix it. We're all waiting . Please help us.

  4. Well...........hmmmmmmmmm........Seems i need to say a few more things here. First,  I would like to humbly and deeply thank those who have answered my apparently (for some still unknown-to-myself reason) "offensive" question regarding whether there would be a manual with the "digital" game.


    The ONLY reason I asked the question has nothing to do with my being new to this forum, which I am, but that I've had the HORROR of buying MANY wonderful digital games, especially some re-released wonderful old-school RPG's, that came with no manual whatsoever!  And, I was flamed by MANY in appropriate forums for even ASKING such an apparently asinine question. I was made to look stupid for wanting a manual that "actually came with the ORIGINAL game", but not the digital one. I was flamed by some probably very young people who have only played games on CONSOLES that have NEVER had any manuals. What you don't KNOW ABOUT or NEVER SEE you will never miss, right? How sad.  It is a sad, but very true statement about the wonderful re-release of many older games in a digital format, but WITHOUT the game's manual included in the download.


    DirectToDrive did this. GameStop did this. and , yes Steam did this, and still does by the way. So how many of you oldtimers like me have spent lots of time praying over the site: 




    that lets you download other peoples' scanned versions of their own printed copies of manuals for games that have been released digitally without a manual???   HMMM?????   I've had to download at least 8, and I believe I was never able to find 3 or 4, and actually cried over the loss.


     A beautiful and complete game manual is a beautiful thing, and I HOPE that I'm not the only one here who thinks that. And I'm very grateful and happy and SURE that there will be a GREAT manual with this game! I never actually doubted it, because I think Obsidian is AWESOME, and i MEAN IT!  I just didn't see it listed in contents of the various versions, that all.  end of story.


    So, please gentle readers, don't flame me anymore for this innocent question, ok :)  I really love you all and can't wait to play this awesome game!


    Laurel Swearengen, aka UtherOrange , in Memphis TN

    a 58 year-old, hippy, she-wolf programmer for Fedex (38 years), who loves RPGS and their wonderful worlds more than this world........these worlds are where my heart lives.............. ROCK ON, OBSIDIAN!!!!! I've almost finished Wasteland 2!

    • Like 1
  5. So the question has NOT been answered:

    Dear Obsidian:

    Will Steam buyers of the Royal Edition get a PDF version of the Game Manual that I feel sure MUST exist for a game of this size and complexity. If there is no written manual for an OLDSCHOOL RPG specifically, that has REAL complex attributes, stats, Skills, abilities, points, training, crafting and gods know what else, then this is NOT going to be a well received game. We oldtimers remember beautiful written documentation about all aspects of "playing the game", all the how-to's, all the key codes, which are hopefully all changeable for us "unfortunate" lefties, all the introductions to the playworld, combat, characters, NPC's and every thing else that a GOOD GAME MANUAL contains. 

    So, Obsidian, is there a Game Manual or not?

    How long is it?, will we downloading it with the Steam Royal (and other ) editions of the game (in pdf)?  This is an important question for all players who know how a REAL, RPG game, especially a complex, large one, must have a good Game Manual. It's, Like, as important as the game itself. 

    And, yes, I've already ordered the 2 books available, The Prima Guide (which is not an official game manual, nor does it pretend to be one), and the other book that's available right now... I got them both on Amazon. They'll arive on the 24'th, 2 days before the game's officially released to us pre-purchasing Steam Users.

    Thank you for answering my pertinent question, Obsidian.



  6. I just bought the Steam Royal Edition. Will the game have a User Manual. I understand this is a HUGE RPG game. I can't imagine it NOT having a Users Manual. But I want to know! Will it come with a User's Manual, in a PDF format or something????? Please does anyone know. I'm a BIG RPG gamer, and am lusting for this game. bought both books off Amazon.....yea I know I won't get 1 til the 24th and the other after the game comes out. But I NEED a written manual. ALL the big oldschool, complex, multi-stat, tons of stuff games had User Manuals. So. 

    Does the Game come with a User Manual or NOT?????



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