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About MasterHett

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Rather than doing that, I downloaded the patches from Team Gizka. I'm passed that, and on to the next set of bugs... Dxun
  2. FYI, I did download all the interim patches from Team Gizka. Hope this thing works hence forth.
  3. OK.... now I'm seeing the bugs that everyone is griping about. And I agree with the masses. A game halting bug is enough to be pissed about. If it weren't for Team Gizka, I'd be tossing Kotor2 in the trash. Why hasn't Obsidian fixed this trash? Bug 1: Telos/Atris bug. Got stuck with no way out. People weren't in their cells. NPC dialogs were scrambled such that the game was STUCK. Bug 2: Dxun Mandalorin NPC dialog is skipped. I dunno what was said. feh.
  4. I'm having trouble too. The only person in his cage is bol-dur. The others are located at the entrance. When I try speak to Attan, I get 2 options: Cheat: Continue converstation with Kriel Cheat: Go to NPC confrontation I can't speak to Kriel
  5. Only bugs so far are the skipped NPC converstations, on Telos. Haven't noticed the sound quality, but then I play with almost zero sound to keep from waking the wife and kids. Have they made this game MUCH harder than the original? I find myself working harder...
  6. Been playing the game. It's much better than people would have you believe. There aren't many upgrades from the original KOTOR engine, but the gameplay is fun. Sorry Obsidian. I shouldn't have bashed you guys. A bad CD had me fairly well pissed, though.
  7. Final update.... After recovering the bad CD, I was able to patch the game, and begin playing. Thus ends my 3 day installation nightmare. Time for bed. I take back what I said about Obsidian. I'll hold further judgement until I actually play the game. Thanks for the help guys.
  8. Update: CHCheck was able to recover the CD. That's my first hurdle. Now to try to patch... again.
  9. You were right of course. CDCheck has found 10 bad sectors. Now that I've looked again, I can see 2 faint pits in the CD surface. I may try to buff, if CDCheck can't recover the lost data.
  10. Cash at Wal-Mart. I'll do the $5 mail-in. I guess...
  11. I just want my game to RUN..... Is that so much to ask?
  12. Alas, the receipt wasn't there. Hrmmm, do I spend another $5 ordering a CD from LA? Or do I cut my losses and run?
  13. Yeah, I'm fixing to dig through the garbage....
  14. It's hard to compete with a game that won't install.
  15. that didn't work. I still get CRC errors on those 2 files during install.
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