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About fibes88

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. EDIT: nevermind. I was able to get the 'areamusictable' edit to work the 2nd time around. Hello gang, I wanted to do another playthrough, and usually the first thing I do is disable/edit combat music. It becomes very repetitive for my taste. I used to edit the old .ogg files in the music folder, however I don't see that folder anymore. I know there has been a few patches since I last played. I tried messing with the 'areamusictable' JSON file, but nothing changed in-game. Any ideas? Ideally I would like the zone music to continue to play rather than the combat music, but would be happy just disabling the combat music in general. Thanks
  2. So I've been playing the game slowly off and on since release. I recently killed Thaos, then the game ended, without playing any White March content. Is that it? I thought White March and Deadfire would be new chapters in my characters story. Was I supposed to stop with the original storyline when White March released? Kinda confused.
  3. It does affect how i play the game, tbh. I find myself avoiding Defiance bay and Caed Nua as much as possible. I even use console commands to port around sometimes in order to avoid a half dozen loading screens getting from point A to point B, which I hate doing. For example, when "learning" the Adra dragon fight, I wanted to go from her lair to the Dracogen Inn, then camp outside town, then the brothel, then back to her lair. The loading screens were comical. I tried disabling autosave via iemod, which helped some. Perhaps it will become more noticeable as I progress in the game.
  4. Hello, I have seen a few videos where the quick slot bag is permanently expanded on the character's action bar. Is this a mod or is there a command in-game i'm missing? Thank You
  5. It's a known bug. Been around for quite some time, too.
  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ip8m80x8lazhwp/Save%20File.zip?dl=0 output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  7. Really bad since 2.0 for me. In addition to inventory and character selection delay, i get spikes every 20 seconds or so where the game hitches. I quickly read a few old posts about it, and the workarounds are a bit wonky, i.e., removing portraits from game files, disabling internet, bypassing Steam, 3rd party addons, etc.. Any idea what it is? Is it Steam? Is it the game? Save Game https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ip8m80x8lazhwp/Save%20File.zip?dl=0 Output and Dxdiag attached below output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  8. I just logged out in Dyrford Ruins and came to the forums for the same issue.
  9. Currently you can not retrain the attributes of companions you meet in the world. Just your main character.
  10. So I'm noticing a lot of substantial changes that aren't in the patch notes. Is there a more detailed list of 2.0 changes somewhere? Some changes are pleasant surprises, like the Follow Selected option and the new voices. This is the most complete list I could find http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/7/entry-186-update-notes-200/
  11. I could have sworn I read or watched a patch preview that mentioned a new feature which would allow the player to hide the party UI in the bottom left of the screen. Is there an option or button I'm missing?
  12. Guardian Stance and Gallant's Focus coexisting contradicts every caveat you mentioned. Same scenarios, different stat. There's definitely conflicting mechanics going on. I hereby declare the whole thing ridiculous. I'm still bringing Eder through Path of the Damned with me. We'll find something constructive for him to do.
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