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About makov4

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  1. my main gripes are: the scene on malachor 5 where you control the remote and all you do is run(hover?) to 4 different consoles. and what was with one of the proton things exploding on the ravager? the little things like these really didn't add much to the story and just frustrate the gamer by making you mindlessly run back and forth. they would be much better suited to short cutscenes the whole final 1/4 of the game just wasn't as epic as i had hoped it to be. but then i may have had too high expectations from the original game darth nihilus.. the first cutscene i saw of him had me in awe of how badass he was. then when i finally get to face off i kill him in 30 seconds flat. falls in above category i guess master vrook but all in all an EXCELLENT game, just not one that i could play through more than twice like i could with kotor1. speaking of which i might fire up kotor1 again
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