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Davja Eloma

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Everything posted by Davja Eloma

  1. Has anyone found the cutscene animation of HK-47 thwarting G0T0's plan? I've read the dialog, but I know my imagination wasn't that vivid to produce the scene. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong no big deal there.
  2. @ Wild Storm Sorry, but I don't have that save anymore. This was in a game before I realized I could turn everyone in my party to Jedi. So I'm pretty sure that I had Bao-Dur's repair really high. I'm playing thru again, and I'll see if I can duplicate that. Like I said, I have read about that but I'm relatively positive that it did happen in game. Will post my findings when I get there again.
  3. This may or may not go with all the cut/missing content threads but here goes. I've played the game 5 times as a LS Jedi. I recall watching the cutscene of HK47 walking in on G0T0 as he's about ready to finish off Bao Dur's Remote. If I'm wrong about this that's ok, but has anyone else had this happen in game? Or was this one of those things cut from the game, and later found on the cds?
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