After playing the beta backer a little bit I found the biggest issue in being that I wasn't quite sure what stats to take so as to make sure my class worked. In NWN (the cRPG I played and loved) it sad that certain classes might want to focus specific attributes because they required it. I know you can probably determine it by logically looking at it but it would be really nice to know what classes might benefit from what.
I would really like it off by the portraits there was a symbol stating their current intended action. If this were to be implemented it could also then lead to maybe a 2 or 3 action queue I don't want a large cue but a small one would be nice.
Also perhaps we could see the implementation of a small tutorial. One that defines what stamina is and how it works. When I first launched it I had no clue what is our how it would work. I haven't played a whole lot maybe 3 hours in all (just got in the beta last week or so!) So it might become clear once I play more, but