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About DoublePlusAwks

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  1. It looks like my attempt to post a screenshot failed so here's Durance's stats: Mig: 3611 Con: 15 Dex: 9 Per: 9 Int: 13 Res: 8412 I found the "SetAttribute" console command in this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71903-console-commandscheats/, but was unable to use it since I couldn't figure out what Durance's id was, if anyone could tell me I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. I am having a very similar problem with Durance (see screenshot below), does anyone know a way that I can change his attributes to a reasonable level by using the console or editing the save files or something? NOTE: I am playing the GOG version of the game on a Mac. Thanks
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