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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. D'OH! Right, I missed the console. Un-fu***ng-believable. That ship is full of walls similar to that one. They all have no function (I even checked every wall like that on the entire ship)...and then THAT single one turns out to be a console. Typical! btw., thank you very much.
  2. Ok, I can't find this. I need to find or make a new proton core. I have found one in the locked missile bay. I can't unlock it. I can't find any override console on the ship. Help would be much appreciated.
  3. YEP! Just noticed. That must've been the only square inch of the ship that I have overlooked. Un-f***ing-believable. Thanks a lot.
  4. ...the exile? You mean "myself"? Yes. There are 2 hovering droids in there...who give me nothing. I can scavenge them and then I get some parts. No codes.
  5. ...but that docking hatch is sealed as well. I get a message that say "hatch is sealed and can only be opened from a console on the bridge".
  6. I am on Goto's ship and have cleansed it of all scum, but I can't find a way to open the magnetically sealed hatch. I can't open it from the console on the bridge. Also, my acceess to the power supply systems is still restricted (I think this may be the root of my problem). I didn't find any access codes to lift the restriction on the power system. I have turned the ship inside out...nothing. I'm starting to think it's a bug. Help much appreciated.
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