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Dark Jedi Savo

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About Dark Jedi Savo

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    The Empire
  1. Bah. Sion was pathetic at the end. It's almost like he has mood swings seeing as one minute he hates Kreia and wants her to die, and the next he becomes her apprentice again. Nihilus was sweet because is high affinity to the force and his whole hunger deal. Traya sucked. Bottom line. Revan was awesome. I liked Revan's Sith look more than I like Vader's. I think Revan has the most interesting story of the other Sith Lords. But I have to go with *coughmyselfcough*
  2. Hanharr. I hate wookiees. In fact, I've never once been DS on Nar Shaddaa because I didn't want that thing in my party.
  3. Speed. Then I could beat everybody on the bloody track team and win the gold for myself! But It'd be sweet to have sight, then I could sense money.
  4. And what is that, weak? Heh heh, jk. Sith.
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