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Darth Rexlar

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Everything posted by Darth Rexlar

  1. What happens when you light the fuse of one firecracker and put it to close to fifty others firecracker? Now picture ten-thousand battle droids neatly lined up, and one stray blaster shot hits one of these battle droids in their thermal detonator.
  2. I have thought how I would like to see a modified d20 real time type hydride. I always thought the d20 system lack any sense of urgency in it. Fight could always be paused, and the consequence minimal. Not to say that is not say you can't pause with a pause button, though in the d20 the urgency just seemed to be missing for me. When I first bought KOTOR I was kind of hoping the game was like the final level of Jedi Academy, with the player teaming up with two other Jedi, only I was hoping for some squad type options for the two Jedi's since KOTOR was pushing a 3 characters system. If done right I don't see why you would have to loose any of the story elements or couldn't create well done stat based character. I think stats could be used in a myriad of new and creative ways As with any game, but even more so in this concept, the most important aspect is having a smart AI.
  3. Single Hilt Lightsaber Mantle of the Force (it was a shame they took it out of KOTORII) style would be Emperors style; lightning
  4. I know I'm new around here, but since this is a KOTOR II form shouldn't aleast one of the option be Tulak Hord. after all, Kreia did say at the Valley of Dark Lords that he was the greatest.
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