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Everything posted by gargar

  1. I only saw the a story trailer of the game but it was enough. the writing in the trailer was absolutely brilliant and it looks like ton of fun to play. DAMN i want this game. gonna buy it the minute it is available.
  2. looks really good. really.
  3. i have already stated that consoles are out of the question here. my reasons are in my second or third post. also, yes. changing certain hardware like processor or graphic card will require a new activation for Mass Effect. 3 activations is not enough for anyone. there should be unlimited activations. nothing else is ok. there is absolutly no reason to limit owners of the game like that. my second post gives all the reasons.
  4. consoles are not the point here. they have their limitations. beside, steam effectivly eliminate piracy as it bind the game to the account. the downside is that you can never sell the game (you can sell the account but you will lose all of your games alongside) but there are many plus sides. first, you can install the account anywhere. this is how i played my games with a friend. you can log into the account from multiple computers at the same time but you can't play the same game at the same time which is logical. also, another huge plus is that you get access to all of your games from anywhere and anytime. soon you will be able to backup your saves and configuration into steam itself which is really nice. and you get community and friends and achivments and what's not. this is the only way to combat piracy. both friendly and very useful drm (which is not really a drm) but also many advantages for those who pay over the ones who doesn't. what EA does is exactly the opposite and i hope that whoever from Obsidian that reads this will be smart enough to pass it along to sega and take advantage of steam when the game comes out. after all, sega sell their games in steam with most of them available worldwide.
  5. in most cases i'd agree with you. even if we ignore the fact that drm is basically useless (as all the recent games get cracked within the first week of release) there are drm methods which are ok. basically any drm who wouldn't force me to call to EA and beg for an activation like in Mass Effect case. and yes, three copies made it to three people. one for a friend which i love to play with. you know, it's a lot of fun to play a game with someone even after you played it alone. i have done it with Bioshock and all the half life game (all of them from Steam so drm is not much of a concern) and one for my brother pc. there is nothing wrong in this. we don't play at the same time. it is more then logical and reasonable to limit the number of times you can run a game at the same time. now, what will happen if you want to sell your game. i know i don't. i never do. but sometimes i just give hem away to someone at work. this kind of drm limits you. and what about upgrading your pc? or OS? . or just want to get back into it in the future? does it sound ok to you that you need to contact the Publisher and hope the game you legally bought won't turn into a useless piece of optical data? this is just wrong. and this method only hurt you. not the pirates. they get both a superior copy AND doesn't pay for it. and no, no one is forcing me. i do it on my own free will. i don't want to be limited like this.
  6. if anyone know sega stance on this do say so. and i believe sega is good. they didn't had any draconic (mass effect style) drm up until now. and it will probably be available on steam for most of us too.
  7. and use draconic drm like the installation crap in mass effect. PLEASE! or else i'll need to pirate your next game. you see, i bought Mass Effect from ea download store in the UK. OH what a mistake! i used my three activation. one on my friend which i wanted to play with him. one on my Vista pc and one on my brother's XP machine. i know i shouldn't play them on the same time. this is reasonable. but today i found out i can only activate my game 3 times. 3 TIMES!!! what happen if i want to get back to the game in a year or two or four? so i swear by god name i will never buy any game with this kind of drm. if i was smart (and apparently i am not) i would have got it via Mininova in the first place and get a superior pirated copy for free. but i won't do the same mistake again. i will only buy Dragon Age if it'll have a reasonable drm. please, Obsidian, i bough both Kotor2 and nwn2. please use some sane drm method with Alpha Protocol. i hate to pirate game.
  8. just wanted to say it!
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