consoles are not the point here. they have their limitations. beside, steam effectivly eliminate piracy as it bind the game to the account. the downside is that you can never sell the game (you can sell the account but you will lose all of your games alongside) but there are many plus sides. first, you can install the account anywhere. this is how i played my games with a friend. you can log into the account from multiple computers at the same time but you can't play the same game at the same time which is logical. also, another huge plus is that you get access to all of your games from anywhere and anytime. soon you will be able to backup your saves and configuration into steam itself which is really nice. and you get community and friends and achivments and what's not.
this is the only way to combat piracy. both friendly and very useful drm (which is not really a drm) but also many advantages for those who pay over the ones who doesn't. what EA does is exactly the opposite and i hope that whoever from Obsidian that reads this will be smart enough to pass it along to sega and take advantage of steam when the game comes out. after all, sega sell their games in steam with most of them available worldwide.