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Posts posted by Jedi_Maverick

  1. Sorry if I seemed impatient. I was just anxious to play, but quickly losing interest. Besides, my beef isn't with the folks on this forum. It's the company that made this piece of **** game. I used the search feature before posting the original topic with no results. I'll take a look at the link you provided to see if that helps. Thanks for posting.



    If you're playing on Vista this is not unusual. If you're not, then maybe it's your latest Nvidia driver that's causing this mess. The game usually goes better with versions prior to 100. Yeah, I know it sucks, but if you ever menage to workaround this issue you'll realize the game is very good.


    I wonder if someone will ever violate the EULA and mess with the .exe to make it less buggy and maybe more Vista-friendly. This, combined with TSLRP would make the game awesome.

    Too bad LA does not let people from obsidian patch the game properly.

  2. "Rule of thumbs, if a sequel/prequel is not announced definitively (which means there is no doubt at all- basically only word from George Lucas' mouth) from the developers within 3-5 years after the last game, then it won't happen ever and the company will most likely have "moved on". Even if it is announced...every year after that 5 year mark is generally considered "quality depreciation" in which the quality of the game (story/gameplay) will decrease significantly."



    Okay, so Starcraft was originally made in 1997 and it's sequel is announced at 2007 - 10 years later. Does anyone have a doubt it's going to be a huge hit? (there were endless rumours about this game during all this decade, hell, people almost had a heart attack when WoW was ready to be announced - since Blizz's main page showed the "planet with stars" wallpaper during that day - everyone gave as certain that it would be Starcraft 2, allas, it wasn't)


    So why not be content and wait even 10 years to see some high quality KOTOR in the future, maybe?


    And maybe they will even announce either a MMO or a single-player sequel readily, which doens't mean the game will be ready in the next 2 years.

  3. http://www.3dactionplanet.com/hlp/hosted/ce/bwo/


    This link lead to BlackWater Ops, a campaign made by users for Freespace 2. Just take a look at last update on their site:



    Beta Testing Continues





    End of the Road

    So its 2004 and its been maybe three or four years since we started this bloody thing and the end is in sight. Alot has changed recently so lets recap


    They had already delivered 3 or 4 excellent campaigns for the game and were more exalted than team-gizka by their respective community. So, unless I see TSLRP actually released I don't put any faith in it at all. It's cool to speak nice and make everyone wait but I don't see any proof that they will even release it to public. They could just use for themselves, their friends and couple guys in the holowan labs.

    Or it could be just one of the biggest jokes ever made and all us clowns are waiting for the bugfix like a countdown where there is nothing being restored. Seriously, if these guys were to work on a game company I think of them unfit even to work on blizzard (which does endless beta testing, take forever to release graphically outdated titles and then you realize bugs and unbalanced stuff are still there, so heads up for endless patches - and I really enjoy their titles in spite of all this).

    I honestly hope, for our sake, that I'm wrong. But I guess we'll be seeing KOTOR3, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, NWN 3 and even the last SW Trilogy (there are 3) being released before this.

  4. Hey waht's up doods? Me think Visaes a hot chick and me wonders whert can Raeven be? I mean, he godly char and all...

    I be new in teh forums, u know waht i mean?

    Talking bout laserswords, they fockin luk nice don't they?

    Uh... soryy, me computer be slow! I got all worng spell, be nice to me will u?

  5. Zez-'Kai el'* ("the guy with the funny name") and Atton (playing as female, he's just incredibly fun)


    Peragus (yes, peragus, so what?) and I'd like this opportunity to say that I've always hated Master Vrook, ever since Kotor 1, specially his voice, he sounds like Bush speaking (texan accent, maybe?), he's just annoying and even playing light sided I always feel like killing him.







  6. Theory on Gray Jedi:




    Counter to millennia of Jedi teachings, the followers of Potentium claimed that there was no inherent evil in viewing the Force. They claimed that what others called the light side was actually just the Force itself, which is inherently good. This was backed up by the fact that Ashla, the ancient name of the Force, came later to describe the Light Side. What others therefore called the dark side was a perversion of the Force, twisted by those who used it. Believers of Potentium said that the potential for light and dark sides resided in the user, not the Force itself. They also thought that the Jedi Masters refused to believe in the Potentium view because it would mean the Jedi weren't needed to fight evil, for evil would not exist. And since there was no dark side, there were no dark side actions or Force techniques; in effect any action, good or evil, could be performed without risk as long as the intent wasn't evil.


    About a century before the Battle of Naboo, the followers of Potentium were expelled from the Jedi Order, parallel to the Jedi Order's treatment of Gray Jedi as "misguided." Yoda and the rest of the Jedi Council didn't consider them Dark Jedi, but they said it was the duty of the Jedi to use the Force to protect others, not study its absolute limits. The Council said that testing the Force to its limits would lead to the dark side.



    Grey Jedi


    Gray Jedi was a term, sometimes used pejoratively, that described Jedi who were thought to operate independently and often outside the strictures of the High Council.


    The term itself seems to date back as far as the Old Sith Wars. Certainly, during this time period, Gray Jedi themselves seem to have become associated even with a certain variety of robe. In the following millennia, the term continued to increase in usage, most likely due to the increasing trend towards centralization of power in the Order, and the increased prominence of the Jedi Council itself.


    Most Gray Jedi had a tense relationship with the Council; while, for most intents and purposes, they were loyal members of the Jedi Order, their maverick natures often put them into conflict with it, especially against more conservative members of the Council.


    It is perhaps this friction, combined with their unorthodox behavior that made it rare for a Gray Jedi to join the Council themselves or ascend to any position of real leadership in the order. After all, the High Council chose its own members, and most of the time their preference was for orthodox Jedi, such as the group described as the Old Guard. Qui-Gon Jinn's candidacy was rejected in favor of Plo Koon, and then Ki-Adi-Mundi, both of whom were more in line with the Council's way of thinking.




    For instance, Kreia is a follower of the Potentium theory, while Jolee Bindo is a a Grey Jedi.



    Source: Wookiepedia

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