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About sefearion

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  1. Not off to a great start here guys. A grand total of 3 minutes of the client operating and none of it on actual game play. After installing the game I was immediately met with a bright, eye-searing, Pink Screen of death. The audio appeared to be functional and I could hear and see the mouse cursor. Beyond that the client was not responding so I had to terminate it. All future attempts to start the game failed (I have tried re-installing the whole game as well as verifying the integrity of the game files with no change). All I get now is the same error message: Oops! (How quaint) The game crashed. (I noticed) The crash report folder named <Insert the countless dozen error folders> next to game executable. It would be great if you'd send it to the developer of the game (Gotcha chief!) Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. output_log.txt
  2. I found it strange how my Rogue ended up being dragged out of Stealth simply because I sent my Fighter into the fray first. Individual Stealth would be a plus for me. At the moment it's a very dangerous choice to have a Rogue open up against an enemy as he will draw the attention of all other foes around him. Running away is suicide as the Engagement system will shred my Rogue to pieces, so the only option is to rely on abilities that allow for a quick escape if you want to launch a Stealth attack. I do like the detection system when I send my Rogue ahead to scout for enemies
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