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LOL yeah me too. I'm waiting to do another playthough with the high rez patch. I check just about every day, and am let down every day. I get a little depressed for a couple minutes, turn to my X Box, and kick up Jade Empire. By the time I hit start I feel a whole lot better. :D
I voted yes, because it was less inacurate then voting no. so to make it more accurate.... 1) The game was what I expected. 2) I enjoyed playing it 3) My first time through , I got to the end was was like... what? Thats it? Then I came here and found out about the missing content. At first I felt cheated. Thinking about it , I realized they were under a bit of pressure. Kotor is a great game, so Kotor 2 was exected to be at least as good. I believe it was, it just really needs the missing content to be better. I am looking foward to the Mod(s) several nice people are working on to restore the missing content. I`ve been inside the droid factory and explored the droid planet. I had a blast ( literally ). I anxiously await the "release" of the patch(es) so I can start another game and begin exploring again. Find the content, then beat it every which way I can. Its a shame that so much work was done and it got chopped out due to time constraints. It seemed mostly done to me. There are things that were left undone. ( I dont want to say too much and spoil it for the 4 people who haven't already D/L the XBox Module and warpped out to the areas) I hope that if Obsidian has any more pieces ( cutscenes, dialog scripts etc) than what people gleaned off the Xbox, they would send them to the mod community thats trying to finish the game. It would be a good gesture on their behalf. It would help the modders out with some of the missing pieces. It would get the missing content out faster to hyper people like me who tend to take the answer to a yes or no question and turn it into a novel. Most importantly it will fix K2. Obsidian worked hard on the game, but ran out of time. Lucasarts wanted it out for Christmas on XBox. Now since not even George Lucas, or Bill Gates have pull enough to push off Christmas until the game was totally finished, Obsidian had to water it down a notch and get it out the door. Its buisness. Its better to be on time with something that is good than be late with something better. On time and good, then the "customer " In this case Lucasarts, is happy. If your late, even if its better, your late. Besides, how do they know its better? They only know that its late. This works for most everything , not just this paticular game. I used to manage a restaraunt. If something we made didn't turn out quite right, for example ... A customer orders a steak medium rare, and the one we make is more on medium well side. I have to decide wether to serve it or make another and make the customer wait longer. Guess which happens most of the time? Unless its obviously burnt, it gets served. The food is prompt and good. Customer is satisfied. Make that same customer wait another 20+ minutes, even if the steak is great, he'll leave thinking the food was good, but the place is slow. "Food is good but the service is slow as mollasses", often leads to "This other place, the food isnt quite as good, but they are fast, and Im hungry now. We'll go there tonight. " Obsidian delevered a good game. On time. LA should be satisfied. They may even work together again in the future. Though if it were my call, I wish we could have waited the extra time and got the great steak. So Im thinking that 4) I'm not totally satisfied. At least not yet.
How Should KOTOR III Start And End?
Iggy replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Ok then, how about this instead. A man awakens in his little flat. He stumbles out of bed and heads toward the kitchen. He passes a window. "big" he thinks " and yellow" The man, Arthur Phillip Dent, makes it to the kitchen and puts the kettle on for a spot of tea. Turning to get a cup from the cubbord, he again catches a glimpse out a window. "Bulldozer" he thinks. Oh wait never mind, this has been done. =P Screw Kotor 3, I want the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy RPG ;P Ok ok I lied, I want both. -
How Should KOTOR III Start And End?
Iggy replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
My basic idea of the start and end would be..... Fast forward 20 years. The exile and the other force sensitives ( likely Bao-Dur, and Atton ) had drifted apart for a bit after Kotor 2. Each of them feels this growing darkness, like a blank spot in the force. An emptyness where there should be something, or something if there but using the force to erace its presence. In time each are drawn back to the ruined Jedi enclave. The exile is the first to arive, and again hones his skill with the force. Bao-dur and Atton arive soon after, within hours of eachother and are reunited with the Exile. The exile begins training them ( again ) in the force. In a matter of months, a few others arrive, Drawn to the enclave, and the Jedi. 3 NPC and the player. Bao-dur and Atton take 2 each as their padawan, with the exile overseeing the training, and also providing lessons of his own, to both the new arrivals, but also Bao-Dur and Atton. They had learned quickly and had considerable skills, enough to be considered masters. There were still skills they could likely learn, if given the time and the training. The Exile, during an exercise with Bao-dur, meditates and stretches out with the force. The Exile taught him to use force sight guickly enough. Bao-dur could sence what was around him. Now he was trying to learn to stretch out and feel the universe. Together they reach out through the force. This time it came far easier. It was like they caught a wave, and easily were swept out, far beyond anythere they had senced before. Suddenly the exile screams out. It felt to him as if a lightsaber was burning his flesh. As if it was being slowly pressed to his shoulder, its tip ever so slowly burning its way through the skin and even the bones themselves. THough in obvious agony he trys to find its origin. Bao-dur starts to have a vision. Its very dark at first and hard to make out. He strains to reach in closer, to see what is going on. Hes in some kind of temple, but the likes of which he never even imagined. He is able to move in more, things are still hazy but he wants to see whats going on. Someone restrained against a tilted slab, and someone, or something using a lightsaber to poke them in the shoulder. The exile sences the pain is coming from beyond the outer rim. He trys to hone in on its location. Bao-dur moves in more and can almost make out faces. The exile sences a sun, and several planets orbiting it. The pain is coming from there. He tries to further pin point it. Atton was teaching a lesson, and suddenly had that feeling. Something was about to go very wrong. He dismissed the class and took off running toward the meditation chamber. Bao-dur focuses more and makes out the face of the woman being tortured. The Exile studies the galaxy. Its not one hes ever seen on nav charts. Yet he feels like something is missing. Like there is a blank spot. He tries to focus in on it. Bao-dur turns to face the being with the lightsaber. The exile moves in toward the blankspot. Atton turns the corner and opens the door to the chamber. Suddenly all 3 see something rushing toward them. Bao-dur sees a fist coming straight at his face. The exile sences something rushing at him. Atton sees the air shimmer almost as if it had a form rushing toward him. All 3 feel an impact and are physically thrown across the room, and are knocked out cold. Moments later they come to. The each thought they heard a voice tell them *awaken* Atton is the first to speak up. "If I had known you 2 were gonna ambush me, I wouldn't have come running. The exile replies, "We didn't, We got it too" Atton asks, "Then whats going on? I got a feeling like something real bad is going to happen." Bao-dur says, " I saw her, she was being tortured. Someone was burning into her with a lightsaber " The exile feels a shot of pain from his shoulder again. He sees a hole burnt through his robe, so he checks his shoulder. The skin is singed. Bao-dur's eyes open wider. "Right there, thats where she was being burned." Together Atton and the Exile ask " Who was getting burned? " "Revan. Revan was being burned. I saw her , I know it was her." "Shes in trouble then , I felt her pain. I don't know exactly where, but I have an idea where to start" says the exile "General, she needs our help again" "Yes but first we have to find her." Atton smirks and asks, " Ok, what kind of trouble are you going to get me in this time? " "Actually, one of us has to stay behind and tend to the students. Bao-dur could see her, and I could feel her. Sorry old pal but that leaves you to run the acadamy till we return" They leave the ebon hawk, and take a smaller craft, one that Bao-dur had built before returning. It was hardly larger than a fighter, and just as agile. It had sheild generators, and a hyperdrive. Bao-dur even had a stealth generator powerful enough to cloak the ship. He hadn't yet perfected it yet, it was a tremendous drain on the ships power systems. If you didn't know exactly where to be looking for the ship you wouldn't find it. But you could only use it for short periods of time. A fail safe would shut it off before it crippled the ship. The idea would be to use it on approach to different planets , so you could land undetected. After all if they don't know you are there they won't come looking for you. Bao, Exile and a student take off to find Revan and help her. Atton stays behind with the other 3 students ( one of them the player ). 2 Months pass and still no word from the exile. Atton gets that feeling again. He sences something behind him, and turns, but sees nothing but shadows. A familar voice comes from nowhere. " I told you that you would serve him until I released you." "Who is that? " "How odd, he thinks himself a Jedi master, yet hes still a fool. Yet still, someone has to fly the ship" "Kreia? But how? You died, then Malacor V was destroyed." "Again how odd. A Jedi master without concept of the force. There is no death...." "Allright , allright , I get it. Your not really here are you? " "There may be hope for you yet. As I have always said, the force watches out for fools and the old. It seems you are becoming both. " "Great. Shes been dead 20 years , and comes back to toss insults at me. Well nice seeing you again. Next time send a card or something instead." "Silence! Listen carefully. The exile is in trouble. But there is still time. Get the Ebon Hawk ready. I can only set you on the path, you have to walk it. Take the astromech droid, and ( player ). You may even want to reactivate HK-47. Though if you do, keep an eye on him. First you must find the handmaden. " " I haven't seen her in 20 years. How do you expect me to find her? " "She always made your pulse race. Not in a lustful way, mind you. More the way it would during battle. Close your eyes and feel that again. Reach out toward its source and you will find her again. Once you get her she will lead you to the deciple. Together you 3 will have to work together to get ( player ) ready as you retrace the exiles steps. Do that and your leader will be returned to you. Fail to ready ( player ) and you will all perish. Along with your precious jedi order." "Why are you doing this, I thought you wanted us all gone." "As you know , my role is the betrayer. If you all perish, I would cease to exist. Even within the force as you know it. A version of me will always live with the sith, though, but in a different form. For it is the sith way to decieve, and kill to elevate yourself in their way of life. But without the light, you no longer have shadows. Just darkness, and that is all comsuming" "So your telling me I shouldn't trust you, knowing who you are and what you are? " Suddenly Kreia appears before Atton, but much larger than life, and she bends down putting her face right to Atton. He can sence her rage. "No fool. I am telling you the one I would have destroyed the universe for is in trouble! Decide now, either do what I have told you or do nothing. ( Hears voices, some familiar some not ) "Apathy is death, Apathy is death. Apath is death" He swings around to see where the voices are coming from. Seeing nothing he turns back. "Kreia? Kreia? " "Great did I just dream that or was it real? " Zap! "OUCH" beep beep beep "Hey, wait, nah it can't be" BEE DOO BEEP "Alright already I`ll get the ship ready. Are you fully functional ? Bee Dop. Bee Dee Dee Woop Beep "Uh , remember I'm not either of them. I don't speak toaster." "He says he is ready and wants to know where T3-4M is" ( player ) "Some teacher I am. My own student was able to sneak up on me and I never even felt you coming. Hmm maybe thats why she wants you to go too. T3 was tinkering with the hyperdrive last I saw. Get your gear and get to the ship. We gotta burn stars." {Writers note.. way past bedtime, better go with the abridged ending} Ok.... Atton meditates and finds a planet to look for the handmaden on. You (Atton, player, T3, HK-47 ( if you activate him) and the remote. The remote will follow HK if you do, T3 if you don't. Go to a planet, have some adventures, find handmaden. She takes you to were you think the deciple is. You search ( side quests on that planet too) and eventually find him. He joins you. You decide you need to make another stop. You hit Dxun, to see if Mandalore will help in the search. You land, making your way to the camp is harder than before. Much more to kill. Odd. Eventually you get to the camp and it looks deserted. You search the place. And find one person, a lone mandalorian. Mandalore left one behind incase the exile needed him. THe mandalorian tells you where to go and find Mandalore. Another planet and chances for adventure. You find him, then head out for the exile. You have several planets to visit out there, looking for clues to find the exile. ( Player ) levels and becomes stronger and stronger. You finally step into the same trap that Revan, then Exile and Bao-dur do. But this time, (player) helps you avoid capture and then search. WHen you do find them they are all in very a weakened state. Before you get them released you battle the sith lord Kreia guided you to. You aren't able to win and Mandalore steps in to give you a chance to escape. You discover that the place you were lured to is a focal point for the dark side, and the sith lord can use that place to sap Revan, Exile, and Bao-dur, giving him use of their force power too. You have to leave and lure the sith lord to you. Away from his chamber he isnt as strong and eventually you are able to fell him. You rescue Revan, Bao, and Exile, and start them healing. You leave but get pulled out of hyperspace by a gravity well. Keria's voice echos through the ship... " Now you get to learn what it is to do battle with a real sith. Though should you somehow survive, there are still more looking to devour you. Battle royal. You get pulled into a huge ship. You get out of the Eban hawk and ALL your characters exit and do battle against waves of Sith. Eventually you work you way to the lord, but before you do the group gets seperated. Revan and the Exile go one way , You and 2 of the others go on to battle and defeat the Sith Lord. Sabotage his ship , gather everyone, and get the heck outta there. Note.. sorry for spelling and the speed ending. If It weren't way past bedtime I would have fleshed it out a little better. Be gentle.... after all im just some schmuck falling asleep at the asrfdggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg LOL Iggy