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Everything posted by DiamondRose

  1. Man your work is incredible! I wish anything I drew looked half as good as this. Looking forward to the Mira side-story too.
  2. Your work is amazing. Question, how do you get that glow effect on lightsabers? I just can't seem to figure it out.
  3. Thanks for all your critiques. I'm trying to devote a bit more time to these drawings so I can improve on my anatomy and perspective as I think those two areas need even more work than anything else. I'm also still pretty new to photoshop so I'm experimenting trying to get use to it. Here is another of the Sith Lords. There are three main villians and each of them has a different prestige class. The Dark Yoda is a Sith Marauder this one is a Sith Lord. I haven't decided on a name for him, but at the moment I'm calling him Darth Syn. I used a different method of coloring this time. Critique away.
  4. Thank you for all the comments. I want any type of critiques about the work. I want to improve so I need honest opinions.
  5. The first time I fought Atris I left her to the Sith holocrons. Looking back on it, it is a pretty merciless thing to do (I was pure LS by that point) but it seemed a fitting end to her. I don't remember what I did the second time, but I've never killed her. I left Vaklu's fate to Queen Talia, that was just how it should be. I kill exchange members without a second thought most of the time.
  6. Argh! After weeks of attempts I still can't get Mission to look the way I want her to look for this comic. She's a pretty important character in the story so I want her design to be perfect and this just doesn't seem right. What do you guys think? As for the little Sith - Yeah, I have another sketch of him after a particularly brutal battle that I'll post after I've cleaned it up a little. It gets the essence of his charcter across MUCH better.
  7. I'm a little enrvous as I usually don't post ideas without them being developed but here goes. After seeing listening to the removed scenes in KOTOR 2 an idea entered my head to tell the story of some of the students that the cast from 1 and 2 would seek out and the "True Sith" that might be encountered. Right now I'm only working on character designs but I would appreciate any comments on them. This is one of the Sith Lords I designed off the top of my head. I have no Darth name for him, if you come up with something please post it.
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