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About Kannibal25

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I have a save game from the start of Nar Shadda (2nd planet) so I'll probably have to restart there. Thank god 'cause I really didn't want to have to run through Peragus again. I agree, I'll probably have to leave HM on the ship and take a couple other darksiders with me (Visas/Mandalore). Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to gain influence with Visas, Mandalore and Hanharr? For Visas, I occasionally get small snippets of conversations when I do my random act of evil bit.. and the game says I gain influence.. but I don't get any different converstaon branches with her. I use Mandalore whenever I see a group of Mandalorians that we can recruit, but otherwise don't actively use him.. same goes for Hanhar, though I have spoken to him to the point where I can ask about the source of his 'power' nothing more comes after that.
  2. Umm.. I've already delt with Dantooine.. I've killed all available Jedi Masters and already learned Force Crush (my personal Fave!!). But I still haven't recieved much in terms of DS points (still high DS rather than low DS on the scale). And its not so hard to balance yourself out. I travelled a lot with Handmaiden and even though I 'seduced' her to the dark side, in the hopes of getting more dialog out of her, I've been generally following her 'advice' (siding with settlers of Dantooine rather than Mercs) and such. Plus I stupidly healed the milita instead of messing with the med droid. Grr.. I think i'm going to have to restart.. BTW, does anyone have tips on how to gain influence with Handmaiden and turn her, and still go DS?
  3. I decided to re-install KotR II and this time started off as a darkside male.. mostly because i've already finished it with LSM/DSF/LSF.. and just wanted to see what was different with the Handmaiden/Visas. Now, during the course of the game, as one could imagine.. i've slowly descended into the depravity that is the dark side.. but never too far. For some odd reason, every time I do something evil, I wound up doing something good to balance it out. So I find myself at the end of Korriban (my last planet) just a little DS. That aside.. here's the.. odd part. Right now I'm level 23 Jedi Sentinel.. but I've spoken to Kreia (many,many times) and she hasn't offered to turn me into a prestige class. From what I remember the previous times I played, she usually offered when I was something like level 12-15 and by the end of the game would be around level 24-25. I'm already on-board the Ravager, so there's no way I can pick up a PC now.. but what did I do wrong? Are there specific requirements for PC's (jedi/sith)? or has my 'neutrality' been my undoing?
  4. I've waited for combat music to stop and yet the issue still remains for me at least. I've only found thus far 2 ways to get past this annoying bug. 1) Save, exit and reload: works 100% of the time so far (Knock on wood) 2) Move the main PC via mouse. As long as they're able to take even 1 step, the issue disappears and I can resume using the keyboard for movement. Strangely enough, even when I'm got party members, this issue crops up.. stranger still is that I an switch over to someone else, move THEM easily enough but when I switch back to the main character, they're still frozen in one spot until I use either method above. As an aside, I'm NOT using the latest patch, just running right out of the box.
  5. There were 2 instances of FullScreen in my ini file.. strangely enough, they were both set to 1 already. I changed them both to 0, saved, then changed them back to 1 and saved again.. now the issue seems to be fixed (well that one at least). Thanks for the help
  6. I've installed and uninstalled this game about 3 times over, but this is the first time I've run into these... odd.. issues. 1) When I start the game via the launcher.. it pops up in windowed mode, even though I have it set to Fullscreen. I can the program from the taskbar and maximize it there but its starting to get annoying. Any ideas why it'd do that? Oh.. I should also mention that this never happened the first few times I played it after install.. just recently. 2) I find that after combat, my characters get stuck. Like they're stuck in mud. This has happened to multiple chars (I'm in Peragus and it hit me when I'm the main PC and T3). Sometimes I can 'force' them to move by using mouse control, but more often than not I find i have to save, then re-load and its fine... until the next time it his.. Has anyone ever heard or noticed anything like this? Comp specs if it helps: AMD Athlon 3500 1 gig Kingston 3200 DDR Geforce 6600GT with latest drivers Win xp with sp2 and latest updates Software firewall running but antivirus has been disabled
  7. Hi there After doing a search on all things patch related, I haven't been able to find one that matches my issue which is... When I launch the game and press 'Update', it updates the launcher, analyzes the current game version (2.00), finds the closest file server, begins downloading and installing it. Whats odd is that it goes COMPLETELY through the patch process (I even get the 'Your game has been successfully updated message). However, when I go back to the launcher to start the game, I still see v2.00 in the upper left hand corner AND I can update again (and again, and again, and again). It doesn't seem that the patch 'takes' for some reason. I even went to Lucasarts website and downloaded the manual patch to try that. It does the same thing. Seemingly patches all files, gives me a success report but the game STILL seems to be at the original version. Am I being dense here and the game's already at the most recent version?? Somehow I don't think so as the update feature should return an error if you try to patch and the games already at the most current version (NWN does it as does KoToR I). Any thoughts or clues?
  8. Hi there... I just noticed that when I went to play the game, that the shortcut for the uninstaller changed from what I remembered it to be. When I tried clicking on it, I got an error message saying that windows could not locate the program. Going to 'Add/Remove Programs' and clicking on either change or remove does nothing either. When I hovered the mouse over the uninstaller's icon it gives you the location for the file in question which went something like: C;\Program Files\InstallShield\[long string of alphanumeric characters] When I followed the path specified, I found a few folders there, all of which had a 'Setup.exe' executable there.. Found things like my scanner, a few games, a few patch programs and such.. but the KotOR folder did not have one. I swear I didn't even know that folder existed so its not possible I removed it. The only other thing I can think of, is that at one time I had both KotOR I and II installed at the same time (but to different drives). Would uninstalling that, remove the uninstaller for KotOR II??? Oh.. and can anyone give me a way to manually remove the game? More specifically, what registry keys I should look for (aside from the obvious Lucasarts/KotOR II ones).. Is there anything Obsidian specific there?
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