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Slimy McQuarren

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Everything posted by Slimy McQuarren

  1. You use a glitch in the Korriban Caves that allows you to fight an unlimited amount of Hssiss.
  2. Is the Weaponmaster/Marauder Class denied the Heavy armor feats?
  3. I had heard that if you play the game all the way through on both light and dark side, and start a new game, there will be certain joke dialogue options that will be available. I have already played through as a Male Sith Lord and a Female Weaponmaster. Now I am in my third time around, and have not encountered any of these hidden dialogues. Is there something I'm missing here?
  4. Handmaiden looks totally creepy as a dark jedi.
  5. So is there any reason to hold off on changing to a Weaponmaster at level 15? Are there any feats, etc. that are denied to the weaponmaster that would come in handy? The only one I can think of is empathy, and I will have a high enough persuade and Charisma that assigning points to empathy would be a waste of a feat. Can anyone think of a reason for me to wait until a higher level before ocnverting from consular to weaponmaster? Thanks again for any help!
  6. I wanted to be a bit adept at using some offensive force powers, such as shock, choke, force drain and plague. If i were to go strictly light side guardian-> jedi weaponmaster, i wouldn't have the force points nor the potency to use those powers effectively.
  7. Has anyone tried the progression of Consular -> Jedi Weaponmaster? I'm trying this combination because I wanted a Jedi who was a bit more balanced when it comes to Saber skills vs Force Powers, but I didn't want to follow the sentinel progression because I find the Sentinel class to be rather useless, and I'm not a big fan of stealth. I figure that as a Consular, I gain more force powers and a higher number of force points to be able to effectively use powers like Stasis, Shock and Wave. But since the Light Side really begs you to be a Weaponmaster (being that all of the LS force powers are either defensive powers or stat boosters), i figured I would become a Weaponmaster to get all of the sweet force powers and feats you can get only be being a weaponmaster. So my question is, to anyone who has ever tried this progression before, is "What is the best level to change from Consular to Weaponmaster?" I plan to raise my character all the way to level 50 using that Korriban glitch. So Does it make sense to wait until level 25 before becoming a weaponmaster, or should I just switch over at level 15? I know I gain more force powers and force points by continuing on as a consular until level 25, but will I have to sacrifice some Weaponmaster-only feats? What do people who have tried this suggest? Thanks for any help with this!
  8. I'm betting that the "True Sith" are the Sith that fled the galaxy during the First Split of the Jedi order. Meaning that they are humans who are decendents of the original outcasts of the Jedi order, who have been hiding the the shadows of the known galaxy, lurking, building their empire and waiting for the right moment to take their revenge on the Jedi, conquer the Republic and bring it within the Sith Empire. So the Mandalorian Wars were all a diversionary plan created by the True Sith to further weaken the Republic, whittle down the Jedi ranks and create a situation of chaos that would make it easy for the True Sith to walk right in, lay waste to the Republic and make the Jedi Order extinct. Revan realized that the war was a diversion, that the Mandalorians had been deceived into starting the war, and that the Jedi had all walked into a big trap meant to thin their ranks and doubt their beliefs. So, Revan went to the outer rim to bring the war to the Sith before they're able to bring the war to the Republic.
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