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About wheelz

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  1. well i've been signed on for weeks now, and have posted twice. in that time i've asked for help regarding issues i've had with kotor2, and in that time i've recieved no help whatsoever. now i don't blame the average member who posts spoilers and questions and such...my issue is with osidian itself. i bought your game for $60 and had assumed my money would buy me a game and whatever support i needed, in fact i bought a defective game and no help in trying to resolve the issue. so this post will most likely be my last, and frankly....that game will be the last obsidian game i ever buy as well. you ppl have screwed over gamers and fans of star wars in general and should all go back and learn something from other developers. i just hope lucasarts has enough sense to give the next kotor game to someone else, someone who actually has a clue what they're doing....you let us all down and i hope everyone finds out about it...if only bioware was still willing to do these types of rpg's, then i doubt this would have happend......so have fun everyone....enjoy one of the most substandard games ever made
  2. ok, i got this game on pc about a month and a half ago...and got a total of maybe 4 hours of play out of it. i got as far as the touret minigame on paragus, and then the whole game crashed. i tried lowering the video res, tried installing a different driver for my nvidia geforce fx 5200 graphics card, i've tried disabling sound (all these things were suggested by the tech support ppl at lucasarts) and nothing as worked. so basically i have 4 very expensive disks that do absolutely nothing....these are my specs on my pc..... dell demention 8600, p4, 2.8 gig hd, 1 gig of ram, previously mentioned nvidia geforce fx 5200 video card, creative sound blaster live sound....can anyone help?
  3. I bought KOTOR 2 about a month ago...and i'm still waiting to actually play the thing. I can get as far as the minigame just after paragus, but then it crashes....i've got a dell demention 8300-p4-2.8 gig hd with 1 gig of ram and my graphics card is a geforce fx 5200. I've tried calling lucasarts tech support, they gave me about 4 suggestions (such as dl'ing an old video driver...disabling audio and such) but nothing has worked....i spent over $70 canadian for this game that i've been waiting for ever since i heard it was being made....BUT I CAN'T PLAY IT.....can anyone help?
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