I've read this whole thread and I agree with everyone on the subject that this is rediculous WE want OUR patch NOW, not later NOW.
On the subject of whose fault it is I would have to say both neither are more at fault then the other and here is my reasoning as to why.
1. They hold gave Obsidian a short time to make this game, please 1 year and you expect a good game? Someone must have been smoking a pretty big bong to make this kind of decision.
2. They released the game when it wasn't even complete which is complete BS, I payed $50 USD for an incomplete game and I feel used and abused by a big corporation because they think they can play god with us little folk.
3. They are holding the patch back when its already complete.
4. They are Donkeys.
1. Knowing full well what they were doing with plenty of experience backing them up they chose a project with a very short time-rate, one year, they wanted good name, and ties to a company like LA and this game. Where upon the other turn they could have gone to another company that is just as good as LA and got a long time-rate. Being the idiots they are they chose the shorter time-rate.
2. Apparently they aren't telling us much about the patch and what its going to fix, I don't care if they're under contract by LA you should always release a Bug Fix List before the patch even comes out...seriously. I've played many a game for the PC in my 10 years of gaming life and the majority of games I have played that have had patches released a Bug Fix List.
3. Well thats about it other then that fact that they made a stupid decision and don't bother to tell anyone anything I can't really blamed them for anything else.
4. They are Donkey's as well ^^