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Everything posted by Fuhur

  1. I was having the same problem. The only solution is that you update your grafic card driver, download the latest, and then you must start from the begining. It doesn't work when you try to load from an old position... I tried everything, also the solution you gave and like you know T3 doesn't appear to slice the door. After I did start a new game eveything was going well and smooth. So good luck!
  2. Hey guys, I've done all the things right...I've read the walktru to see if I was doing something wrong. And yes Kreia got her hand cut... but no sign of T3... I found a guy who was having the same problem as I, and with his help I menaged to go to hungar bay, but it doesn't solve the problem, still there is no T3 and I can't pass the door without him beacause You need him to slice the door... Really I don't know what to do....And I want to play!!! Well thank You anyway...enjoy the game
  3. hmm...here is my problem, I can t continue with the game, im stuck in Peragus, just before entering the hungar bay to go to ebon hawk. I tried everything, well i found out that im missing THE T3 unit!!!! The thing is ....when entering the fuel depot -the tube where you have to find T3 damaged- and then continue from there with the 3 of them in the party, I dont find him!!!!!! He s not there, I found only the H25 part on the floor, and that is all, then I continue normally and the game crashes to the game menu-freezed, at the moment of loading the new area- the hungar bay. Obviously the game cant load a new area without a missing character- T3. I have also some minor buggs, but its not so important, I dont know what to do, nobody seems to have that problem, help Im gonna cry!!!! I really tried a lot a lot of things... I have a PC4 intel 3.06GHz 512 Ram Asus v9520-x/td 128 MB x5200 and a bunch of hard disc space and I played kotor1 perfectly well, after the patch of course anyone?please
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