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Status Updates posted by Jediphile

  1. Just wondering if you're aware of the TSL Restored Content Mod by Darth Stoney (not Team Gizka) and what your thoughts - if any - are: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Restored_Content_Mod;111657

  2. And what do we accept as killing but not murder today? I would accept soldiers killing during war as not being murder, or people killing in self-defense or to defend others, but those are the only examples I can think of. Killing people for differing religious beliefs or even religious offense is not permissible in my book. Yet we see it all the time. Sadly.

  3. Everybody loves a good mystery...

    And nobody can resist the lure of something that was edited away - we're too curious to find out why we weren't allowed to see it in the first place. That's why deleted scenes are popular in movies.

  4. Right. KotOR is very cinematic. How will you conversation paths or cutscenes dictated by player choice in an MMO?

  5. I will almost certainly not play the MMO, and the only reason I won't guarantee that is because I'm always cautious doing such things about facts.

    I have yet to play an MMO that I've really enjoyed or seen one that looked really enticing. Lots of people say wonderful things about WoW, but though I like fantasy, I've never been compelled to try it. MMOs have always lacked

  6. I don't question that some people may play the MMO despite initial reservations, but it is insulting and grossly arrogant to presume that of everyone who claims reservations, especially if they do it to the point of stating outright that they won't play in any event. Kindly refrain from using me as "an example" in the future, as you clearly don't know how strongly I feel about this.

  7. Your comment on the KotOR3 thread is arrogant, offensive, condescending, patronizing and frankly stupid. Saying people will do the exact opposite of what they just told you is the height of arrogance. Congratulations...

  8. Thank you, Shryke - I know I am...

    Er, I mean - BLASPHEMY!! :shifty:

  9. Thanks guys. I do believe in socializing on the internet, but I'm not into all the new features since my return here. Besides, people probably know me well enough anyway. And as my screenname is Star Wars specific, you won't recognize me elsewhere even if I was there :shifty:

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