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Posts posted by Seahawker

  1. I'd like it to make you retrace the steps that the Exile and Revan took to find out where they went, leaving out Taris and Peragus of course. I'd also like to see Coruscant and maybe the new council if you sided the Exile to LS. And determining the Exile's gender could have a different effect of who's on the council. More planets and different locations on the planets would be excellent with quests that make you go to there to complete them.

  2. Ooh, old thread. Welcome to the forums, by the way. :(
    Darth Caedus(Jacen Solo)

    Is that the competition winner then? I think we had a thread about this a while ago. How are we pronouncing 'Caedus'? Does it rhyme with 'Feed us!' or 'Hide us!'? Is the 'c' pronounced as a k or an s?

    I think it might be something like "Ky dus" or "Kay dus". From his wookiepedia page:

    Caedus is an invention based on the Latin verb c
  3. The Mandalorian war ended about 5 years before the first KOTOR I think so this would make it about 10 years after Malachor V during TSL. She said she lost family at Malachor so that would make her about the correct age (between 19 and 24) and if the Exile was somewhere in his/her mid-20's at Malachor that would make him/her about 33-37. If Mira is 19 and the Exile is about 37 then yeah, that would make him a bit old for her. But there's nothing wrong with that imho. ;)

  4. This time through on my Sentinel/Weapon Master I left strength at 8, 14 dex/con/int and the rest into wis and cha (14 and 12 I think). I'm upping con to 16, int to 16 and the rest into dex. I'm gonna get the lightsaber finesse feat and wear a robe to get the best defense and damage from my lightsabers I can. This is my first time going with 8 str and was wondering if it's a smart idea.

  5. clone troopers are better for one reason: they were clones and bred to fight since they were born. the storm troopers were just regular people who joined the empire. now, before you say anything about the storm troopers being clones know that the clone troopers were given an accelerated growth rate, hence the reason they were full grown adults in only a span of 10 years. going on th assumption that most of the clones died of old age at 15-20 years old and that stormies can't hit the broadside of a barn (remember, clones were bred and taught how to fight since birth) it would appear that stormies are not bred and taught since birth to fight. and if you were to aske me which one's you would want covering your 6, it would be clones.



    ps: i know its long but i had to finally say something about all the people saying that the stormies are clones :cool:

  6. i'd like to ask you all to answer this question truthfully


    I, -Your Name Here- think Jack Thompson is:

    [ ] a raving lunatic

    [ ] in dire need to see a psychiatrist

    [ ] a hypocrital moron

    [ ] insane in the membrane


    Please choose one only. If you decide to not choose one i will take it as an indication that you chose the first option ( a raving lunatic) enjoy :cool:

  7. all you need to do is use your rocket launcher and fire some grenades/rockets at them. if you're in a relatively hidden spot they will go to ranged mode and try to shoot you. if all else fails just switch to a vibroblade or some other close range weapon. i was able to take them out easily on the xbox version using that technique. as for the reason the cheats won't work i dunno since i played on the xbox

  8. if you have him all put back together there will come a conversation option to tell him you got some new upgrades/whatever for him and you install it. after that you can keep it in him or remove it. i've only tried removing it from him so far and he gets a +1 bonus to int. and con. i think. i forgot which stats get boosted but he gets some stats boosted if you remove it. the conversation options you get and what he says with it installed is great :p

  9. I'd be more prone to believing the second option of Malak being a psychotic-power hungry moron(i was gonna use maniac but it all works the same). This does make sense though given that he was willing to kill an entire planet just to eliminate one person(Bastila). This could also be applied to the thought that the HK units threatened his position with Revan so before he waited for them to become operational he *supposedly* destroyed teh facility. Instead of waiting to be betrayed by his master when he gained too much power he decided to remove an obstacle before it became a hazard.

  10. my favorite color to get is viridian. it makes a silvery-green blade and the only place you can find one(usually) is in the museum in onderon if you loot it. i've been able to find others(2 viridian in 1 playthrough) but those were at merchants/loot from containers and i've never been able to find them at the same location twice.

  11. this could turn out to be a good idea but the game should take place in the unknown regions of space. this is supposedly where Revan and the exile(given what Kreia says to the exile) went to look for these "True Sith" . the reason Revan would search them out would be because he was 'tricked' into fighting the mandalorians since they were never truly the enemy he was fighting so he goes and searches for them to find out the answers. this should be taking place during/directly after TSL because one would think that by now Revan would have some clues about them. if it takes place directly after TSL then you could start out as the exile searching for Revan so he could answer some of the lingering questions that were never answered at the end of TSL.

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