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Posts posted by Yann

  1. Yann, you obviously did not even read all the posts.  Granted there has been a lot of them ... but really your comments have little to do with the points made.


    First there is no reason that making a KOTOR mmo would delay the release of the third installment in the series if there is one.


    another game in the proper series??? that doesn't even make sense.  What is the proper series?  It's not about milking a cash cow ... it's about taking a fun game engine (my opinion) and making it multi-player.  It's about using the setting of the old republic for limitless new content to fill an online community.


    if the resultant game is like galaxies??? are you unable to read??? I would say about sixteen times the point was made that the game should NOT be like galaxies ... it should be LIKE KOTOR ... and for several reasons.


    i was responding to your original post, when i feel the need to antagonise over long posts made by people with too much time on their hands then i'll do so


    also, explain how an mmorpg wouldn't delay another game that continues the story?


    Presumably they'd want the same people who worked on TSL, therefore their talents would be diverted from making the third installment


    and in case you didn't notice, mmorpgs are all the rage these days, they are an easy way to get longevity and more cash out of game from overcharged monthly subscriptions with little extra effort

  2. bad idea, cause it takes time away from working on the third installment


    i don't like "interludes" when it comes to making a series of games, like warcraft


    don't get me wrong, WOW is a great game but i'd have preferred if they continued with the story and made another game in the proper series instead of milking the cash cow


    plus if the resultant KOTOR mmorpg is anything like Galaxies then you can count me out

  3. It would be stupid for LA not to make a third one, because:


    1) The movies are divided in 2 sets of trilogies,and most of the games have followed the same path. E.g. Jedi outcast 1, 2 and 3


    2) SWKotOR I and II have been extremely succesful, even considering the huge ammount of criticism TSL received.


    3) I am pretty sure the XBOX people are pressuring LA to get the third game on Xbox360, why wouldnt they, it sold tons of copies and xbox's weak point is a limited number of rpgs


    4) Obviously the ending of Kotor2 has left a lot of room for a sequel, in fact the ending is so open anything could easily fit as a sequel.


    5) Fans want it,fans would buy it regardless of whatever is being said in these forums. Episode I and II probably received even more criticism but that did not stop LA.


    6) To them its a very sure shot way of milking the starwars cash cow without having any ties to the actual movie plots and hence being able to use a lot of creativity.



    I think a lot of things can be changed for a possible KotOR 3, but the biggest, IMO, would be:


    1) beta testing

    2) more replay value, with the game not necessarily having to end once u kill the final boss...how about starting a jedi academy?

    3) hoods! and the option to have the cape or not on the robes...customizable body would be cool as well....hilts! maybe a pet....choice of ships...coruscant,hoth,uncharted territory, NO korriban, NO dantooine, NO tatooine...

    4) More ways to make use of the huge party of whom most of the time you just select two,and the rest only see action when you want to gain influence

    5) More fate changing events during the game...more important people dying...choice of party..

    6)new engine, i beg you!

    7) actually balancing the use of 1 lightsaber against 2 or staff....more combat animations,some specific and exclusive to the jedi...

    8)lightsaber combat-dex,dex,dex. No str involved in a weightless weapon that only needs to touch to cut in half. Maybe the new engine would fix the whole "hi, im arnold schwarzenegger,the jedi. yoda is 3 meter tall and doesnt have a single muscle on his arm,yet in this game i must be strong to wield a lightsaber". And no, weapon finesse wont cut it, its the principle. lightsaber by definition alone is pure finesse.

    9)If new force powers,make them useful, and more worthwhile of getting...

    10) as its fashionable,and we want it,make everything as customizable as possible,down to whether u want ur char to have facil hair or makeup or not.


    I agree completly with his ideas to make the new game better. You could start a sith academy somewhere and take your pupils into war etc perhaps generate some money, start training more and more, conquer the galaxy lol turn it into a Strategy



  4. * The whole switch to the dark side seemed to sudden for me - perhaps if Lucas hadn't wasted an entire movie with Jar Jar and baby Anakin we could have seen Anakin secretly training under Sideous rather than the quick reversal from holding a lightsaber to his throat to kneeling before him.

    I find dark side seduction from Jedi Academy more interesting - when Kyp secretly takes lessons from Exar Kun on alchemy, sith magic and lightsaber under the very nose of Luke, and finally we have a fight of these two.


    is that the pc game??


    must have missed that bit

  5. And I'm sorry, but Keanu Reeves would have made a better Darth Vader than Hayden Christensen. I honestly never thought I'd live to hear myself say that Keanu Reeves would make a better anything, but Hayden really takes the cake. It's almost like he wasn't sure how Anakin Skywalker was supposed to behave, so he just borrowed from his role in Life as a House and reduced Darth Vader to a whiney b*tch. Reeves can't be anything but sullen or stoic, but that's still far preferable to whiney. I don't know what possessed Lucas to cast Christensen for this role, but he f***ed up. Big time. James Earl Jones left some admittedly big shoes for Hayden to fill, and he just wasn't up to the task.


    haha thats what i said about 3 pages back


    though keanu is slightly worse than hayden ;)


    if he was cast then he would have delivered his full vocabulary of 5 words and one facial expression

  6. And what excactly was the point of Grievous? (other than to sell more toys &collectibles) He fills the evil sidekick role after Dooku goes out like a punk only to go out himself what felt like 5min later. They could have just had Dooku alone instead.


    given the fact that money is all lucas cares about these days then your merchandising assumptions are probably correct,


    also like the way he demands the fans to see the movie upwards of 50 times and edited out lots of scenes and shortened several others to make the film shorter so it could be shown more times, therefore more profits


    the only thing stopping me from awarding him the level of scumbag is the fact he invented star wars :thumbsup:" which is a bit of a mountain to climb over <_<


    theres also the fact episode 3 needed a new villian, to keep with the episode 1 and 2 concept of introducing new villains

  7. i thought it was an amazing film, head and shoulders above the two other prequels and in many ways its superior to the three originals but most people had already made up their minds before going to see this one so it will never achieve the recognition on the same level as the other 3, which it deserves


    Weak points for me are all the obvious ones;


    haydens wooden acting being worse than keanu reeves


    how quickly anakin fell to the darkside which felt uneven in his progress, i also found the whole process a bit unbelieveable that he could be so naive


    also the way that all the key scenes felt very compressed to fit everything in


    I was also let down with how long the other jedi lasted against sidious, i know hes meant to be the most powerful force user of that time but the battle could have easilly been the best if the other jedi wern't killed off so quickly


    I was also hoping for a return for qui gon, but you are just left with yoda talking about him


    Also the vader "nooooooooo", seemed really forced and unemotional

  8. KotOR 2: Turns out the True Sith are still alive (I've got a picture of weird looking aliens coming up...), and goes fully literal on Obi Wan and says that the Force holds and binds the galaxy together, and that Malachor V has damaged it. Sounds like those "holes in the fabric Space-Time" stuff you here in sci-fi.




    i would imagine the true sith look the same as humans only with maybe slight differences


    they are probably humanoid anyway

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