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About toadstomper

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  1. Thanks for the responses! The problem is that I am returning with everything I need for the Master's Tools quests, and I don't have the option of talking my way through the fight, because my stats aren't high enough in the required areas to afford dialogue options, and my remaining dialogue choice all end up with a fight (that I don't know how to win.) My party composition= Eder, Aloth, Durance, the Chanter guy (forgot his name) + my barbarian and my rogue.
  2. Did anyone else have as much trouble with the Kestorik fight as I am having? I have reloaded this battle probably 30+ times now. Each time is the same. I open with spells on him, lure him into traps, and then proceed to get dominated, aoe damaged, dominated, aoe damaged. My healer can't keep up with the damage, and I die. Any ideas? Thanks!
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