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0 NeutralAbout Badsight
(2) Evoker
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
ok , well IF you have , then you never got to anywhere near close to combat ive seen the same thing happen on 4 different Xbox's now 1FPS (if that) . . . . lets just call it a freeze . . . . . when the AI & the PC group up in a brawl . the Xbox just aint got the grunt to power it , after all the rolls have been played out & whoever loses is dead you get control back saying this doesnt happen is either 1) a lie , or 2) a post from someone who hasnt run Kotor-II on the Xbox . either way it just makes you look like a retard , because its eaisly repeatable in the same place over again basically , the Xbox crawls when Kotor starts getting busy -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Never happened to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> then you have never played Kotor-II on the Xbox at all & if you have then your BSing like your claim to have to have the latest gear to beat what a Xbox is capable of like i said my 3 year old AMD1600 system runs kotor-II at a higher level of detail , at a higher FPS than my Xbox does if all you want to do is have a machine for 5 hours a week for gaming , then your not that keen on the hobby ( yes dabise , that means you) so why would someone's opinion like that have any merit in what is the superiour gaming system , it doesnt . all you want is somthing you dont have to do anything except switch on , well congrats , thats what the Xbox is great for but to try & pass off that to mean the Xbox is the better system is total complete LOS theres no competiton between the two btw Shadow , you browsed the PC release schedule for last year yet to see how utterly full of s**t you are about computer games ? do you actually believe that games are progressing being developed for small power systems that the consoles are ? -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
yea trouble free , i like how in the middle of combat when your trying to actually move & fight , how after the FPS come up from 1 that the dialog is able to resume . . . . . . if Kotor-II ran fine you would be right , but it doesnt on the xbox & you aint not entirely the consoles fault , but is just a sign of the times . modern games need grunt , the Xbox's time is over , to move ahead a lot more power is needed as well as a mouse & a damm keypad , games are getting more complex with ever-increasingly complex AI & gameplay options , if they dont have either for the Xbox2 & PS3 , then its the software that will be limited cause both sure seem like they will have decent power -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
way to bug out of the discussion ! im SURE that without any grounds to stand on i TOO would make the same wig-out statements it all comes down to PC's being the best at running games even games designed for the console first & ported secondly to the PC are going to show off what the developers made better now then theres complex games , games they dont port to consoles ,im talking about the more grown-up games like simulators , & besides simulators the games that are just too much for the console to power , your preferred system aint ever going to see them btw , you really need to check a online game stores release schedule , you keep going on & on about PCs not getting any games of their own , well get yet ANOTHER clue & go look , as i said , you need a opinion based on reality & not the fantasy land your living in -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
just keep repeating it dude , whatever helps you live with lower gaming quality & yes , you have repeatedly stated your happiness with how the Xbox runs Kotor-II , well i guess i would too if i knew nothing of how games run , which is how your coming across -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
hey your crap PC is no judge of how well they perform , next & here is the wisdom from ShadowPaladin you OBVIOUSLY are without any decent knowledge of PC set-up , wow , you must have had a Miserable time with them , better for you to stick to sub-par gaming for sure -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Xbox is a better gaming system than the PC <---------- that there is crap , which is where your coming from & basic stats tell half of the story , how well it runs depends on how "informed" (note that word because it is what you are not) the system builder is -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
well from a guy who has said the Xbox runs Kotor-II fine , you have a long way before you get to a state called "sense" -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
yea im seeing you as clueless , it comes across when your talking about PC's or Xbox's that are modded needless to say i bet you also think that being too lowly powered to run Kotor-II PC version , well guess again , not everyone has as little tech-ability as you if you would get yourself informed then you might get a opinion based on reality but anyways , its too bad you have had a bad run with PC's , cause your missing out so you got any points that actually have merit in this discussion or are you going to admit how retentive your being about the whole issue . mebe the next time this comes up youll keep your delusions confined to threads where your idears actually are valid -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
never said you did , but you seem more than happy to your loss (& yea , you do come across as a cheap /poor guy , unwilling to see how the expensive stuff is superior , so yea i took it that you also would be anti-HDTV) anyways , hope you get help with your ignorance one day -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Because it's a TV :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats funny ! so you havent seen what PCs look like on HDTV then ? my freind games on a 29 inch , but then again , your probably anti-HDTV too seeing as your too poor to afford that either gaming only on a console ever is being knowledgeable in sub-par experiences & you fit the bill perfectly ! -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
dude ! this is earth to fantasy land ! come in fantasy land ! even on my spare AMD 1600 based old PC , Kotor plays better , your anti PC , well too bad , the Xbox aint in a million years going to be a better gaming alternative now the Xbox2 on the other hand . . . . -
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
all of what you guys said . . . . . . . -- bar ShadowPaladin V1.0 -- is what any non-retarded non-anally-retentive down to earth gamers would also say thing is , with the Xbox2 & PS3 out at christmas , things are going to be hella sweet in front of the TV :cool: -
its still fun to go thru & it aint going to be released as Obsidian wanted it to be , I.E. the cut content is going to stay cut so get it , then youll be fully prepped for Kotor-III
The PCvsXbox thread revisted.
Badsight replied to ShadowPaladin V1.0's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
lol im a fan of whatever works best , whether it has sony or microsoft on the outside doesnt bother me but the original question is what runs Kotor best & your attitude is that the xbox runs Kotor just fine & PC's are a waste & not needed , especially as how console games are now more popular well sorry to burst your bubble , but the Xbox is nowhere near a PCs performance Kotor runs like crap on the Xbox as soon as the action starts, as in it bearly runs how about you pull your head out from wherever you have it stuck & get a opinion based on reality