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Everything posted by Spiff

  1. For Kotor III, I'm pretty sure that, depending on the alignment that you played Kotor II with, the situation that Revan is in will vary. If you are a Dark Side Exile, and Revan is a Dark Jedi, then you will be going to join Revan and the True Sith. If you are a Light Side Exile and Revan is a Light Side Jedi, then you will be aiding Revan in the defeat of the True Sith. There are two more options there but I'm pretty sure you guys can figure them out.
  2. This actually depends on the way you answer Atton's question about Revan on the mining facility. If you chose Revan to be a Dark Jedi, then he/she (however you chose) is off in the Unknown Regions leading the True Sith, I think. If you chose Revan to be a light side Jedi, then he is in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy fighting the True Sith. The True Sith are an even eviler, more powerful Darkside Order. To be honest, I myself am not 100% clear on those things either. We'll have to wait until someone who knows the answers posts.
  3. If you are a Sith Lord (like The Exile in my current playthrough of Kotor II) you don't just kill random people. A Sith Lord does not waste his time on such meaningless things. Maybe if I was a raving Sith Marauder I would kill or instigate a fight with anyone or everyone, but only those deemed worthy to be directly killed be The Exile are done so. I prefer the Dark Lord who is silent, swift and megapowerful. But anyways, enough with my insight .
  4. There is interesting backstory and history on there, though. The Exar Kun and Qel-Droma, among others, chronicles are quite enjoyable to read. They really give you an idea of the depth that the Star Wars universe has to offer.
  5. It's okay, don't worry about it. I searched "Force Crush" in the boards and I came across a post that explained what happens. I don't know what other twists occur when you play as a dark side character though. But I did know you fight Kreia if you kill all of the Jedi Masters. So far I've killed the one on Nar Shadaa. Zek-Zar Kieill or something like that. Just be more careful next time Solar Xero.
  6. Lol. When and where do I get it so I know not to mess anything up?
  7. I remember reading in previews that The Sith Lords would feature a deadly new Force power called Force Crush, where you literally torture your enemy. Heck, it's even in the intro video. I'm playing through TSL for the second time and this time I am a Sith Lord, so I was expecting Force Crush as an available power. But it is nowhere to be found, plus I've read Gamespot's guide and they don't have it listed. Where is it? Is it even in the game?
  8. That sucks about the no subplot with Mira. I really wanted to "interact with her interface".
  9. Hey guys. I'm new here and this is my first post. I've read through a bunch of pages of threads here and I haven't found any answers to my questions. But if there is a thread which incluldes the answer to these questions, my apologies. Anyways, let me get to my questions already! 1. I played through TSL once as a strictly light side Jedi male. When Mira joined my party, I tried to talk to her to open up some further dialogue options and plot advancement, but there was nothing there. I guess you could say I got shut down :"> . That was after Nar Shadda, my second planet. And after that I kept Mira as an active party member at ALL times, but yet nothing came up. Is there a possible Mira sub-plot in there somewhere that I missed? If so, what do I have to do to access that sub-plot? 2. Influence. A strange beast. I'm not too sure how it works. I realize that if you want to gain influence, you say what the character you're talking to wants to hear. But when I began playing as a dark side character I wanted to convert Atton to my alignment but yet the only way to gain his influence was by saying light sided things (which would then give me light side points)! If I insulted him I lost influence, and that was the only way to stay on the path of the dark side. That's just an example of one character. How do I use influence to convert people?
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