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Everything posted by rippeet

  1. Greetings everyone! The game looks beautiful and runs smooth. There's one issue of running against a brick wall.. Now this might be just a feature but I decided to share it anyway. First playthrough going on Normal with Trials of Iron and Expert Mode checked, as expected. So I ran into a fight I quickly realized would be the end of me, so I valiantly decided to sacrifice my two other party members in order to escape the situation with my main character. Everything went in favor of my escape, until the group of hostiles only maimed the other guy unconscious right after killing the other. They decided stay at the body so that he could not regain consciousness ( only to be killed properly ). I cannot leave the area because obviously party isn't gathered and there is a 'combat' going on, I cannot dismiss him from the party because there is no such option. I wish I had ranged means to finish him off from afar. The game is locked in combat and it's a bit frustrating to accept that there seems to be nothing I can do about it. Except for a certain suicide. I accept frustration comes as part of the deal with Trials of Iron.. I just wish I could sacrifice party members at the cost of losing them permanently. Happy gaming everyone!
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