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Posts posted by eckertt001

  1. I backed at the $500 level.  Got a question about the collectors book, and mine is not signed, and my product listing says it is supposed to be.  Not sure if things have changed during this process, so is it still supposed to be signed at this level?


    • Full Color Printed Hardcover Pillars of Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team.

    I haven't been keeping up with all the posts, and tried some searches, couldn't find anything regarding it.  Not sure if plans had changed or not, so I figured I'd ask.



  2. For an obvious reason, money.


    However, investors also look at Total Sales. The idea is, I have this exlusive title to my system X, thus you will need to purchase my system in order to play this game. Then since you purchased my system, and my game, now you will purchase more games on my system. Since you, the consumer, consider this as an investment, will buy more titles for my system X.


    Since they they have to impress the shareholders with sales figures, the idea is to say, we have sold 10 million units of system X, that means each owner and/or family members of those systems will be purchasing games, for those systems.


    So to boil it all down, you make console exclusives to keep people on your system.


    Keep in mind, this is coming from my direction, and just guestimating how they would do business...

  3. In the industry I work in, deadlines are always a variable. You start with a set deadline, then it continuosly gets pushed up. The end product doesnt need to be bug free, or even working correctly, as long as it does what it is supposed to do.


    In all the contracts I see there is nothing that says that the final product needs to be considered 'bug free' or even 'stable'. It just needs to be a product that produces exactly what the requirements section says.


    People still buy software and games, even though they know they will have bugs and problems. So all that means is that individuals are accepting the issues, and thus creates the trend from a publishers standpoint.


    Then when individuals find out the software has issues, all you need to do there is create a place for people to vent, and call it 'customer service'.


    And the BBB isnt going to care, especially for games, as long as there is a customer service area, bugs are an expectation, since the public has excepted it. Since games are considered Entertainment, its just like going to the movies. If you watch a bad movie, do you demand your money back? I know some that have tried, but of course you dont get your money back. Games are in the same category.


    When it really gets bad, is when you see an obvious bug in the software, but the developer argues that a 'only from a certain point of view' is it a bug. That meaning, you the user consider it a bug, however by mechanics and design of the program, it is not a bug. Unfourtunately that is when you need legal representation to assist you in getting them to admit its a bug, which is always a hassle.


    Anyway just my $.02 from my experiences...

  4. Granted they feel like much more of an accomplishment. But if you had to fight the same boss 5 or 6 times I think it would get old. I do recall in Skies of Arcadia I was so seriously underleveled it took something like 4 hours to go through the boss cycle and by the end my hands were trembling. I dare not think what would happen to a lot of people if they got to that stage and died  :lol:


    haha...you'd fit right in over here. 4 hour long boss battles would get you major recognition! If your hands are trembling, body shaking, and are completely exuasted, and ready to pass out, then you are considered an exceptional player. American gamers would think your kinda wacko...lol (w00t)

  5. Thats odd logic. Because if you dont win the battles then the story will stall. They dont just let you skip battles to keep the story going.


    The bonus areas in FFX were a major shock to my system (it being my first JRPG) it just wasnt normal in my RPG experience to come across something that could take out the entire party in the first round with a single attack.


    I dont personally think that most people would really enjoy hour (and longer) boss battles.


    And thats the thing, if you level'd your characters to extreme proportions, 1 attack wouldnt take your party out. And you would beat the boss quite easily as long as you found its pattern. I live in Japan, and thats the logic the gamers around here have, so I proboly will be having that same logic when it comes to final fantasy. Another thing here is 1 hour or longer boss battles are popular, as it defines "the struggle", thats about the best way I can descibe it. American and Japanese culture is really quite different. Maybe someone else can explain it better then I.

  6. When I think RPG's I think of the days of Baldurs Gate...I have a bad feeling games like that will never exist again. With boss battles that made you think, before combat even started.


    Sorry, but while the Final Fantasy titles are some great games as well, they dont count. They are designed with story in mind, and how telling the story is more important, then how battles are fought.


    Boss battles as of late are click boss, click attack, go...

  7. Totally agree...If you were this "wound in the force" then how come you arent ready to face him? I mean, if he cant suck the force from you, and being such a weakling that he is, why not go fight him a level 1? Apparently from a Darth Nihilius standpoint you can become a bad ass sith, and have no idea how to swing a light saber. And if he is such a powerful force sucker, why doesnt he just overun the whole friggin galaxy? Bring death and whatever else, and get it over with.


    I beat him without any techniques, just clicked on him, and waited about 30 seconds. Didnt even need to heal, what a joke. Sion and Traya, also lame. Sion you talked to death, and Traya just stood there while I beat on her. I least I needed to heal with her and Sion. Also, another flaw, at least from my standpoint. Hardly any baddie in the game used force powers. I mean no force choke, force lighting, I only saw for drain a couple of times, and was force held once, thats it. At least in Kotor1, force powers were in use a lot.

  8. These arent any offical dates or anything, as I got them from gamespot, however Im sure they are close...


    The release date of Kotor1 was 11/18/2003


    Beta patch was released 11/21/2003


    Offical patch was released 12/08/2003


    The release date of Kotor2 2/08/2005


    No idea when information about a patch was released...


    I thought those dates were interesting.

  9. Its a question of credibility, the date is much as a fact as what its said to have happened on that date.


    If they made up dates what stop then from making up the events that were supposed to have happened on that date?


    Besides its not like you are going to be found how many years are off because no actual date was given for many events, there is no date over how when the Sith Empire was formed, only that it was after the Republic was formed.


    I realize what you are saying, and it makes sense. However, that was never the intended purpose to this post. The sole reason for the post was, I did not know who or what, or whatever Darth Nihilius is or was. And you can throw in Darth Sion, and virtually ever other character!


    Either the developers did a poor job of explaining these characters, or I just missed a lot of dialog from all those bugs. Either way, I was lost. The dates are really irrelvant to what I was looking for, I just wanted to find something of a description of the characters, thats all. And when I read it, it at least made sense, and I thought I would share it to those who are in the same situation as myself. I bought a game to be entertained, and ended up just scratching my head.


    For example, from my perspective playing, I saw Darth Nihilius once, in a movie clip. Thats it. Next time I see him, Im fighting him. There was some talk about him, but it was all so damn vague. Yet, he is on the cover of the box! Bigger then Darth Sion! Who the hell is this guy??? That was my question, and that site answered it. Thats all. I knew it may not be accurate, but I got the explination I needed, and if anyone else is interested here you are.


    Im not trying to portray it as 100% Star Wars facts, as thats why I called it giving me a clue.

  10. Sorry but they pulled dates out of their behinds.


    I am not going even to bother to find the inconsistences, seeing Tatooine discovery date was enough to see how much that timeline is wrong.


    Sorry but I could care less about dates...lol...I just want info...and if its close enough...then thats fine with me. Im not about to analyze it into the ground to find out how many years its off. And if its totally wrong...then oh well, at least its a start. :devil:

  11. That's strange. Doesn't a LS Exile fly away into the unkown to find Revan. His companions are the ones who will rebuild the Order. I only know of 2 ending in KoTOR 2. DS Exile stays or LS Exile leaves. Is there another?


    If I remember correctly...


    You never find out where Revan is because the Central computer on the Ebon Hawk was locked...HK47 made this discovery, and T3 blasted him when HK started asking questions...


    Now whether or not you can unlock to computer...I do not know...


    That was the only cinimatic I saw in reference to that, and since the game is buggy...a lot of those little fragments of scenes just skipped by...so I mave have missed something.

  12. Well, it was a great find. Wonder why I didn't think of  that. :wub:


    Funny that another board is having it's own gender wars. :D


    I wish this link went into detail about the Exile. I don't understand what a DS Exile will do at Malachor V.


    Good Question! Supposedly, the exile is to start his/her own Sith Academy/Order whatever they call it...but thats just a guess...


    Since the light side ending is the exile and her crew start a new Jedi Order...that part is fact...according to the timeline...

  13. I for one do not understand this ending at all. Made no sense to me what-so-ever.


    So for those of you in the same rut as I, I found this link that explains some of things, and shed a little light on that "ending" if thats what you can call it.




    It's basically a timeline of all things Star-Wars, with indepth explations on a lot of things. Including the offical gender of Revan, and what side of the force he ended up on.


    It also contains good explanations of Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Traya, and a few others, but not all. And at least a more detailed explanation of the whole thing. Since the game didnt bother to explain it, or you had to talk it out of them, or whatever you needed to do. However the game did follow the correct timeline, names, places, people, etc. So really look at it, the game is correct. But there are still many loose ends to tie up!


    Maybe thats why I've been seeing on some sites that this ending is an "Empire Strikes Back" type of ending. Well it defintely fits that description, IF KoToR3 closes all this junk up.


    Anyway I hope you find this link as helpful as I did. BTW if you havent finished this game, I suggest not reading this yet. It doesnt contain any spoilers persay, but it does have facts that can lead to a spoiler.


    I will try CCC's gamma control as a temporary fix.


    Hmm I'm quite happy with this. Not having to meddle with the buggy ingame gamma slider bar is great.


    Thanks for that...I'll be sure to disable those buffers when I get home...


    ATi's CCC is a good tool, I like it myself, lots of useful options. I'd rather use that then any of the ingame stuff, with any game, not just KoToR2.


    Another thing: disabling vertex buffer... does it also disable any FX?


    There is no decrease in Graphic Quality or content, its a buffer that is used to store, basically many vertices, if used properly it can increase frame rate. However, if it keeps looping and not killed properly, well, it'll look like Khoonda. :thumbsup:


    Nvidia has a presentation of what a vertex buffer is/does on their website.




    The guy who wrote that presentation likes to be sarcastic...

  15. Maybe it's because you have a very good cpu. I'm running on amd64 3000+ and 1GB RAM.


    Do you have "disable vertex buffers" enabled?

    What are your frame rates in those areas I mentioned?

    Do you have gamma issues?


    For good measure, I don't have any issues at Khoonda or any part of Dantooine.



    Thanks for the reply...


    Im sure my CPU does have something to do with it, I dont doubt that.


    I dont know if I have Disable Vertex Buffers enabled...I normally just install games, turned everything on to their highest setting except for AF/AA. So most likely, if its in the options menu, and it says Disable, I leave it alone.


    I also am not sure what my specific framerates are, everything is smooth to my eyes. Thats normally all I ask for.


    As for gamma, I dont mess with the in game gamma. ATi's CCC has a profiling option, and one section has a gamma slider, and I create seperate profiles for each game I play. I select that profile, and start my game. That way I dont have to mess with it in game.


    Its interesting you are not having issues with Khoonda. Even my Xbox version even has framerate issues with Khoonda. Are you doing anything different? That is not contained in the normal options menu?

  16. Well then, it's a fix for people who don't have to insist on the abseloute latest and most expensive stuff o:)


    I could've bought an X800, but look what I'd have gotten for the trouble! I wouldn't be able to fix my gameplay problems. o:)


    Hehe...Sorry if you're latest and greatest isn't turning out to be oh-so-great, but I didn't promise this'd work for everyone, now did I? ;)


    2. slightly more areas with frame-rate issues compared to Nvidia, though all in all still relatively rare. The slowdowns I experienced were on Peragus at the Fuel Depot with the neon-coloured force-fields, some of the rooms with smoke where T3-M4 first ventures in on his way to the fuel depot and only in certain directions, the heated area with orange-red smoke where the exile is told to turn on his heat shield, Telos residential area(this one probably due to some kind of memory leak. Seems to occur after getting the first quest from the Ithorians. Doesn't occur during the finale when the Ravager goes to Telos) and Nar Shaddar at the docks area near the landspeeder. Oddly enough it only slows down after you return from destroying Goto's ship.



    I have an X800 XT PE and I dont have any of these issues that are being described. The only framerate issue I have is Khoonda, thats all. And when in Khoonda I can fix if by turning everything off and down (texture settings AF/AA). I can go right back in turn everything back on, textures on High, and AF/AA x4, and then it runs fine, until I enter either dialog, or go to the menu. I rinse and repeat to fix again. Again its just Koonda, the area outside the enclave is fine, and every other area on Dantoonie is fine. And every other planet is fine. I dont believe it's the drivers and/or the card. Because for one I dont have any other framerate issues, and when I turned the settings down to the lowest possible (with everything off) it still happens.


    Im running Catalyst Control Center v5.3, my specs are below:


    AMD64 FX-55

    Abit K8T800 Pro

    2GB DDR400 Corsair

    ATi X800 XT Platinum Edition

    SoundBlaster Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro

    Saitek GamerBoard

    Razer Diamondback High Precision Mouse

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