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Everything posted by Deh

  1. What does GamerGate have to do with this? This is about some "feminists" getting ultra offended at nothing at all and making things up to get attention. The ususl bullsnot. From what I understand that's the usual GG line of thinking: "random internet feminist offended at something video game related? It must be some conspiracy that Anita Sarkessian concocted!" Though I agree it doesn't add anything substantial to the conversation. Then you don't seem to be very knowledgeable about GG i'm afraid, and i don't blame you. Gamergate is involved in this because there is a threat of censorship, no matter from what direction it comes from. Creative freedom should never be threatened by the few who choose to be offended.
  2. Is not... quite true. None of those people have anything to do with FemFreq, and while I know GG has seen this, they are not the ones starting it and this is kinda outside their usual 'territory'. Correct. Also, could he have drawn just one squggly red arrow on there? Just one? I should note, his chronology of events IS correct. Just who he attributed it to is wrong. Katherine Cross is working as a Secretary for Anita/FemFreq.
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