1. The swoop racing is entirely screwed up. I set the new record on Telos and that idiot Twi'lek said I didn't even finish the race. After I won several times only to hear that garbage, I just decided to leave it. Then on Onderon I tried swoop racing again. Again I shattered the record, and again I was told I didn't finish the race.
2. Dantooine. Need I say more? The entire planet is just one big problem. The rest of the game runs smooth, but Dantooine is literally unplayable. It lags so severely that I lose control of my characters, who sometimes run into angry kinrath of their own will. Actually, I'm sure my characters don't really want to die, but Obsidian's GREAT programmers cause them to. Obsidian, are you guys amateurs? Learn how to optimize a zone. Shrink the draw distance to 3 feet, if you have to! It seems to be an optimization issue as I can get the framerate to playable levels if I face a wall or something (provided I am able to get to a wall before lag takes over), but the minute the open field becomes visible, it's like I decided to run 6 instances of Doom 3 at Ultra quality at the same time. I even dropped the graphics to the lowest possible ... 800x600 60hz, no AA, no AF, no shadows, no grass, low texture quality; the problem persists.
Obsidian ought to be ashamed of themselves. BioWare released KOTOR1 with only a memory leak issue, which they fixed relatively quickly. KOTOR2 has issues so severe that it affects gameplay and yet they refuse to even announce a patch? It's things like this that will cause me to pirate a game or wait until it's $19.99 or less, as this indicates no sign of a $50 work.
I think my computer should be capable...
P4C 2.4GHz @ 3.4GHz (FSB = 1.132GHz)
Abit IC7 (i975 chipset)
[built by] ATi Radeon 9700 Pro 128mb (stock)
2x 256MB OCZ EL Platinum edition DDR (453MHz 2.5-3-3-7)
SoundBlaster Audigy
Antec TrueBlue480