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Everything posted by Stylepointsgw

  1. I can confirm that you can get it to 0% with black jacket and quick switch.
  2. I tried fullscreen and windowed, I still get it. Tried every graphics option I could think of as well, including disabling vsync etc. It's definitely counting single clicks as a "click and hold" at times, for instance it causes me to drag character portraits when I try to select a character. Usually a double click handles it. It happens in gameplay/options menu/the little drawn cutscenes, you name it.
  3. Thanks for the input, I'll give it a spin. I had written off devoted because early wiki stuff said pick a melee weapon proficiency.
  4. Someone spoke about being able to find it using the console. I'd be willing to wager we see it in some form alongside some of the other missing spells. It could just be unused code as well though.
  5. I'm looking for a gun specialist for my first playthrough. My first idea was a blackjacket/bleakwalker using dual wield pistols, but I was wondering if there were better options out there. My goal is to preferably use an arquebus to hit as hard as humanly possible per shot. If pistols/blunderbusses with full attacks are better, that's fine as well. I'm not a huge fan of getting close with this character, so rogue backstab shenanigans are out, but if they can do their job from max range it's fine by me. I did look at monk's end tier talents, and while they are potentially really interesting, I don't feel like waiting for level 18 or whatever for it to come online.
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