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Everything posted by Cons

  1. i just had this as well... on the map in the datapad it says Ebon Hawk Interior with a white square where the map should be. When you flourish you can hear it happening but you just cant see anything... Also i had the visias cutscene to early...i had it in the secret academy and i was under the impression from previous replays that it was triggerd by a certain conversation with kreia
  2. how would i find out?
  3. Hi there I recentley reinstalled kotor 2 and downlaoded all the patches and media patches. After being on it for a while, the game freezes and a window pops up saying Runtime error (kotor 2 path) abnormal program termination i reboot the pc and it works fine. another 20 minutes approx it happens again reboot and 20 mins again. i have the latest nvidia drivers. Any idea whats causing this? Any help would be appreciated
  4. I managed to get a jedi master robe of Vrook after i killed him. But yeah i think the robes are random
  5. If you told atton that revan was lightside, a broken holocron and maybe a foot lokker. not sure though. If you said revan was darkside, then the holocron plays a message of bastila talking about the sith academy after revan left. she was talking about the fact that without a strong leader, it will fall into ruin and that she's going to look for revan. might have missed something. if i did hopefully someone will cover it
  6. I know there has been much disscusion and disagreement over this topic. I just wanted to clear a few things up. I was digging through the sound files when i found a folder "streamvoice\298\hk50cut" and in it were several files where a hk-50 is telling hk-47 about the factorys. i've only just started looking so heres what i found so far ... cant get zip to load... tomorrow i will post dialog...chack the directory out if you want. to be brief it says the republic made the factorys and that there was also one on taris before it was destroyed...sorry
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