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Posts posted by xtrazx75

  1. Something doesn't seem right.... I cleared my Hard Drive of every game except KOTOR 2. I have nothing else saved on it - no music, nothing. I have about 40 - 50 Kotor 2 save games spanning 3 characters and it says I have 40, 120 blocks remaining on my hard drive???? If I save a new file the blocks continue to drop fast.


    How big are these savegame files? 100 megabytes a piece?

  2. Solution:


    I experienced the same problem on Dantooine playing as a DS character and it did frustrate me. However, I got past this problem by using arlaharen's advice in another post... You can get past this "panning bug" by choosing the Salvagers' side to proceed to the Enclave (Bottom Right from Khoonda map area) instead of the Mercenaries' side.


    The Mercenaries side is where Diopak & the 3 Mandalorians merc's were closest too - do not take that route before going to the Enclave. It's a very strange bug, but I did get past the cut-screen & continue my pillage of the galaxy.

  3. Hello,

    This is my "Wish List", things that I hope will appear in The Sith Lords. Please feel free to post your own Wish List. I'm sorry if some of my items have been confirmed "I have been OUT OF THE LOOP lately". (Carth pun intended)



    1)True First Person view (being able to walk around/play the game in 1st person)


    2)Being able to ACUTALLY SEE equipped belts or gloves on your characters!!!


    3)Better Mini-games - example - That 3D chess game that was played on the Millenium Falcon in ANH. Or being able to actually fly the Ebon Hawk and fight Sith fighters instead of just gunning.


    4)A lot more character faces/body customization. For example - being able to customize hair colour.... eye color... skin color... etc. (Tatoo's would be nice)


    5)Different Lightsaber Hilts (Count Dooku hilt :) )


    6)NICE LOOKING CLOTHES PLEASE! Sorry, but the clothes in KOTOR sucked! Most of them looked "painted" on character's bodies. Let's get some really nice flowing cloak designs.


    7)Different Lightsaber/Sword Stances. (Example - being able to hold a blade/saber inverted like a Samurai).


    8)More revealing clothes for females :D lol ;)


    9)Body Dismemberment (Darth Maul was cut in half/Anakin lost his arm)


    10)The Ability to holster your weapon/lightsaber


    11)Free Roaming Camera


    12) A lot More Lightsaber Duel animations (Think Darth Maul vs Obi-Wan in Ep.1). In fact, copy that whole routine and put it in the game... make the combat seem fluid and not the obvious (you attack...then I attack...etc).


    13) More Special weapons (example - Exar Kun's lightsaber or some ancient Sith weapons/armour/cloaks)


    14) The ability to attack any NPC's. (okay at least be able to attack non-primary NPC's)


    15) More actions to choose from in each conversation with NPC's (example - being able to force choke etc.)


    16)Variations in NPC's faces - everyone looked the same in KOTOR. Let's not make every single Sith attack look the same. At least vary them in colour/shade.


    17)No Level Cap or a much higher level than 20. - like 40+


    18)Have characters actually walk around in the Ebon hawk (doing things) instead of just standing in one place... let them walk around in their area or something.


    19)Change the Good/Evil face morph thing. Instead of looking like a vampire when you go evil..... maybe just make the PC look meaner/tougher. I hated that vampire look for the Dark Side.


    20)Leia's ROTJ slave outfit! ;)



    That's all I can think of for now. Please feel free to post what you want to see in KOTOR 2.

  4. 13.jpg


    I take it this is the older Jedi Female "mentor" that you begin the game with? She is in a few screenshots as a team member.


    Is it me - or does she look a little evil? Was she once a Sith? Or is she a Sith... oh no suprise plot twist uncovered! lol :huh:

  5. there WERE cheats in kotor1 the only thing i couldn't find out was how to unlock the easter eggs in the PC version i only had the trick for the xbox version well if anyopne has it i ll gladly replay the game :D

    There were not.... I know they had Easter Eggs but no CHEATS. Cheat codes meaning "invincibility" or "unlimited ammo" or "all items" type of codes.

    well i never used cheats the 1st 6 times i finished the game i only used cheats in the last one just the money one mainly (and tested the others to see what good they are) to have some fun

    as i said i didn't use cheats the first 6 times i finished the game :)

    anyway here's teh cheat page


    when u add a super constitution value i dunno if there is a max it's almost imposible to die don't u think ? :)


    EDIT: there is a god mode code ;)

    Sorry - I meant the original KOTOR (Xbox version). Yeah the any PC version game will have cheats.... even if the developers do not include them.

  6. I don't know who is responsible, but I really like the artwork for The Sith Lords. The white-haired woman has a beautiful Japanese inspired (Samurai?) detailed outfit. The Sith Master's mask/look is African inspired & his/her look has a great menace to it.


    Bioware's design's (4000years before ANH) resembled too closely to the current timeline. The Sith Lord's art has a more "ancient" feel to them given their inspirations (Africa/Japan).

  7. there WERE cheats in kotor1 the only thing i couldn't find out was how to unlock the easter eggs in the PC version i only had the trick for the xbox version well if anyopne has it i ll gladly replay the game :D

    There were not.... I know they had Easter Eggs but no CHEATS. Cheat codes meaning "invincibility" or "unlimited ammo" or "all items" type of codes.

  8. Do you want the XBOX &/or PC version of The Sith Lords to include cheat codes? As far as I know the original KOTOR did not have any codes (Well except for that Galaxy Driod thing... which I have as a save file).


    (In general) I would prefer to have the "option" to use game-enhancing codes rather than not. Having the ability to fool around with things after I have beat the game is great. Some people have strong feeling against "cheats" - I say why? If you don't want to use them - don't. Too make things fair, Obsidian can have special codes "unlock" only after completing the game - some for light side and others for dark side.


    Anyway, that's my opinion - what do you guys think?



    ***WHEN I SAY CHEATS - I'm talking "Invincibility" & "Unlimited Mana" type stuff***

  9. Fresh off the Bioware Forum Boat? Welcome to the Obsidian boards your HQ for The Sith Lords "KOTOR 2". You probably have a lot of questions, please ask them after the presentation :)


    1. KOTOR 2 is being developed by Obsidian Entertainment NOT Bioware.


    2. Obsidian is comprised of former Black Isle developers. (Made Planescape: Torment and the Fallout games) So the sequel should be in good hands.


    3. Concerning the Plot/story: The Sith Lords takes place about 5 years after the events of KOTOR. In the begining of the game you (more or less) through dialog dictate if Revan was male/female and which ending took place (dark side/light side). The Sith Lords story will continue from there.


    4. Some interesting additions in KOTOR 2 will be - Full Jedi Cloaks, more lightsaber colors, new force powers, much more player customization/items etc., new Jedi classes, returning characters etc.


    5. Let's all HOPE that Obsidian includes Leia's ROTJ Slave outfit!!!! ;):(


    Okay, lets not turn this into another FAQ page - if you want more information go to the Unofficial FAQ page. Also if you want to ask the developers questions you can go here.



    Don't forget to sign this topic to validate your REFUGEE status! lol (also keeps this topic up for new people to see).

  10. It sounds like, rather than doing this or going the 'all endings happened' route, they're letting you choose at the beginning of the game how things played out. So, for example, you get to decide whether Revan was a man or a woman, and whether he/she became a Sith or stayed a Jedi.

    Wouldn't that really complicate the progress of the plot? Two (2) Endings and Two (2) Sexes.... that would create a possibility of 4 different opening senarios. That would make a lot of "He/She" dialog changes and what about the Male-Revan/Bastilla Romance VS Not & the Female-Revan/Carth Romance VS Not.... How would that affect the plot/characters? Errr whatever, Obsidian probably has it covered some how.

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