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Posts posted by xtrazx75

  1. Just wondering if anyone knows if KOTOR 2 will allow more than 3 people in a party? I hope we can have at least 5 or more.... That would make for some sweet battles.


    I've heard about Obsidian adding new lightsaber colors - What would those be? Orange, White, Aqua? Maybe we'll be allowed to "create" a color shade from a pallet or something?


    Also, is there any information on customizing lightsaber hilts? Something similar to Jedi Academy where we can choose our hilt would be nice.

  2. Please let's hope the developers pick one ending and stick with it. Finalize Revan as a particular sex (male or female) and choose Revan's look from one available from the original KOTOR. Better yet don't even have Revan in the game! However stick with one ending (Bad or Good) from the original game, include all plot events that would have transpired from that ending and begin the new story. That's all I ask - plot wise.

  3. Anyone else feel the same way? A sequel to the amazing Knights of the Old Republic and it's not being made by BIOWARE.... BIOWARE is a proven and established RPG developer - who the heck is Obsidian???? Someone please reassure me.


    Obsidian seems to be on a schedule to release the game around Episode 3 (2005)... How can I expect to see a game even come close to KOTOR in depth and quality when it took BIOWARE so long to make the original?


    IMO, no offense to Obsidian, but BIOWARE should be the only people making a sequel to KOTOR - and I can tell you why they are not - BIOWARE probably told LucasArts that it is impossible to produce a worthy sequel to KOTOR in such a short time period.


    When I heard that BIOWARE is not developing the sequel my anticipation for the game dropped right through the floor. I guess we'll have to wait and see what Obsidian display's at E3 for my interst level to rise.


    What are your thoughts?

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