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Posts posted by Hety

  1. Concerning prebuffing - i hope someone will just make all wizard defense spells modals, that will decrease his speed (like -5 or -10 or -15 % for each). Or will drain his might (like -1 might for each). Or we should be able to sacrifice 2 casts of 1st level spells to get permanent shield, for example. Anything will do.


    For all other classes prebuffing is not so important - you cast spells according to monster types with priest anyway and it doesnt take much time. 


    Engagement - you can disable it altogether by using IE Mod.


    Overall my biggest concerns are:

    1. Effects. I cant see anything on the battlefield during big encounters. Have to pause all the time. Effects should be toned down.

    2. Buff icons should have red and green borders - for debuffs and buffs. I cant memorize all the TINY icons.

    3. Friendly fire should be enabled for PotD and Expert mods only. 


    The biggest difference between PoE and IE games is that PoE is a game of debuffs, while IE games are game of buffs and dmg  mostly. On PotD you cant hit anything w/o debuffing it first. 122 def ghosts? Cmon, not even funny. 

  2. On my new playthrough i decided to get as many levels as possible for  my main char so "save" possible experience, coz all xp is divided between ypur party members. But atm it looks like there is some kind of multiplier for experience you get from quests. So few questions:


    Do quest rewards scale according to group size?

    Do quest rewards scale according to difficulty level?


    I do know that gains for opening locks and disarming traps do not scale at all.


  3. Actually minor loot items (like ring of Overseeing, which, like any other Overseeing items provides 10% or 1.10, not 1.15, bonus to AOE) can be found in predefined locations. This loot is pretty random, though. So you cant expect to find it or find something else in its place. Only unique items always appear in the same location. 


    The main question is... do they stack?

  4. I tried a PoE PotD walkthrough and some classes just dont work good enough:

    1. Melee Barbarian. Takes a HELL of a beating. With Frenzy you cant control it good enough, so they end up pretty squishy.

    2. Wizards. Blasts cant do anything, really. They hit for like 10-15 damage tops and mobs have so much hp its insane. Also limited casts per rest kill the class. Not to mention shades and shadows, who target mages 1st. You wll have to waste all your spells on defense and in the end ont do any real damage. Also almost all wizards AoE spells hit everyone, so you waste time to repositioning.

    3. Melee rogues. They get instagibbed, literally. I had enemies do 120(!!!!) damage with a single strike on Eden, who had 97 deflection. Rogues just die.


    A decent party, in my opinion, looks like that:

    1. Pala tank for autoheals from kills. Moon godlike would be perfect, but i'm not sure about losing the head slot.

    2. 2xChanters. One melee and one ranged for debuffs/buffs(2x reload and 1.2x ranged speed anyone?) and dps abilities/summons. Double summons are good too.

    3. Melee Cipher. They are awesome and have plenty of Foe AoE's. No FF is a good thing.

    4. Ranged rogue. Hearth orlan for crit bonus, arbalest for consistent dps. I had decent dps with War Bows also but i havent finished the game ye... so pick yer poison.

    5. Ranged Priest for general buffing. Magran for arquebuse as main weapon and sword and shield if those pesky shadows will catch ya.


    From available companions only Durance and Kana are any good. You can also take Pallegina, but her racial ability (+10 deflection against ranged attacks) is so-so and stat distribution is suboptimal.

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