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About Sephnroth

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  1. oh, and the benifit to obsidian is one of the most basic fundamental principles of buisness - reputation. It affects comunity interaction, fanbase and ultimatly sales and money. People do get angry when their games are bugged and further more cut to hell (even though this was no fault of obsidian, and I still stand by the fact that they did a great job in only 12 months) - but they get more angry when absolutly nothing is done about it. Companies who take an active interest in their community, fan ideas and requests and do their best to meet them (their best is all that can be asked, that means we dont get everything but we can live with that) gain a reputation for it and people start looking forward to their next games and products. Its good buisness practice if nothing else.
  2. But im NOT asking for prefable treatment, im asking for what can be done to be done to the maxium for EVERYONE. Thats complete treatment, not prefable. Its not my fault the PC has benifits like it does, but certainly I would like to cash in on them - as would you if you owned the PC kotor instead of the xbox version. Imagine 2 different towns with different hospitols and one has better equipment. Should the more advanced hospitol not use half its equipment on its patients because the patients in the other, seperate, hospitol dont get it? No they shouldnt. Further more, I should hope that someone somewhere is happy that there is a place where patients are being treated as well as possiable. Its not the fault of the lesser hospitol that it doesnt have the equipment to deal with some of the stuff - they dont hate their patients, they are still doing their best with what they have. If a patient has a problem with this the only answer would be to travel a large distance to the other hospitol. Bringing the metaphor back to computer systems, that would be equivilent to people having a problem with their consoles lack of functionality buying a computer system to cash in on the ability for extensions and patches. What your doing is the equivilent of running up to the advanced hospitol and throwing a few fire bombs in the hope you destroy their more advanced equipment making their patients (read, PC players) less comfortable. I DO agree with one line you threw in though. I would like to see what they have brought more to completion, ie bug fixed. But im all for a content patch and I hope those who have the ability to apply such thing enjoy it to its full.
  3. Little to be gained beyond tech patches? Have you never enjoyed a story line enough to be longing for a sequel or to the point where you crawl the web in search of well written fanfic to read so that you can enjoy the story further? Or maybe wanted to write your own? The point of content is to make you play more, the more detailed and indepth the content the more you get dragged into the game and the more you ultimatly lust for its sequel. Content is VITAL to RPG type games where the main selling point for most people is the plot, story and envirment. the more detailed it is the more submerged they can become and its usually what each rpg gamer is looking for. In that light there is a huge amount to be gained from a content patch, maybe more so than a technical patch. Amusingly, PC games are rarely this buggy on release due to the fact that there seems to be a thin line between console and pc devlopers and the console side (especially in sony's case) love little and fast. They gave birth to the dreaded 12month deadlines. With consoles like the xbox however this line is blurred, its a PC in a box anyway. There is a higher margin for error with computer devlopers however due to the vast range of different hardware to support or even different operating systems. When you devlope for a console you know its exact specs and hardware, its relativly easy compared (yes, speaking from experiance) so its not surprising you get some teething problems occasionally with a pc. As for equality - you have to draw the line between equality and selfishness sometime and I personally think you over stepped it. You may not get a patch because the system you have chosen to purchess the game for may have no way to patch it. The system I have chosen CAN be patched and I expect to see that functionality used to the maximum, its what I pay 800 pounds for. It would be an issue of equality IF your system was able and legal to patch and they still didnt give you a patch and only us. But you are UNABLE. Its not an unfair jab at you, its a matter of acheivability. If a woman gets pregnant she is entitled to maternity leave from work for a large part of it and beyond. As a male there is very little circemstance I can claim the same thing under. This is not an equality issue - this is an issue of me being unable to become pregnant due to being a man. Likewise, you not reciving a patch isnt because they hate you but because you CANT. Stop calling it equality, its not. As such you are being selfish in trying to restrict a pc users full functionality simply because your different machine does not support the same thing. Stop pulling this equality card as it is wrongly coined to start with, simply bloody stupid and untrue.
  4. Games are always further worked on when it comes to the PC - that is the benifit you have EARNED if you have put enough effort and money into a machine that can run a 500 meter sprint with todays modern games. You get to play them as they are released and then enjoy all the things you can do to games with a pc that you cant with a
  5. It does seem alot like everyone who owns an x-box would rather see a patch NOT released simply because they couldn't get it - thats a bit selfish isnt it? Well, it is. Theres no call for it - x-box live will allow you to get the majority of changes anyway. As for it not being universal, its wide spread enough. I actually dont know anyone with an xbox that doesnt have live atm. But you know, once apon a time the internet wasnt wide spread either - we didnt complain if a patch was released for a certain game online but never made it on to a demo disc for the rest of us - fair play to the people that got it, they had the means to get it so they deserve to get it. This whole don't patch it leave it alone from the xbox scene is disgusting. Go back simply a few years. What you are doing now would be exactally the same as kicking up a fuss then when they started releasing dvd's with deleted scenes included as a bonus for people who bought the dvd version - you could go around saying no dont include the stuff you cut! Not everyone has a dvd player you know, some of us still have VHS!! Thats effectivly what you are doing now, except place dvd with PC and vhs with xbox. I hope they release it and then also put it through live. This might make a few extra people bother to throw a cable between their xbox and network (or wireless adapter) and as such live will expand, it will become more universal, because of that the next game out may recive the same treatment causing a bigger user base and etc the circle goes on and things move forward.
  6. Yes, so i'm not the worlds greatest speller. 10 out of 10 for observation.
  7. I just wanted to make a quick post with my 2 cents about kotor2 and obsidian. Despite numerous bugs and what-not I have really enjoyed kotor2. Yet again the game has been the only one to pull me away from Ragnarok Online for a week and I thought that was something only kotor1 would do Thanks for bringing me an enjoyable sequel to one of my all time favorite games and I hope to see more kotors in the future! I'm a bit sad that you had a 12month development cycle pushed on you for a game of this magnitude and I think that with that in mind you did a pretty good job. My hope lays in a patch and maybe eventually some restored content via the updater like kotor1 got an additional place (yavin IV, admitedly small) which could help repair some of the damage the 12month cycle did - failing that I look forward to kotor3 eagerly. Thanks again - i'm REALLY enjoying kotor2! You did very well for something this huge in such a short time. -Seph
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