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Everything posted by MasonWheeler

  1. So I'm in a hall in the first dungeon that's full of traps. My characters are able to detect them, which is good, but that's where the good stops. 1) When I say to move to the other side, they happily walk right over the traps. This should be considered a bug in the pathfinding code. IF YOU KNOW IT'S THERE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO STEP ON IT! 2) No matter how carefully I select destinations to move, I can't get my character to move precisely enough to avoid the traps. 3) Even if my character moves precisely enough to avoid the traps, the other characters in my party happily follow along and blunder right into the traps. There really should be a "solo mode" but I can't find the UI command that turns it on. 4) One of my party members appears to be a roguish type, but if he (or anyone else) has a way to Disarm Traps, I can't find how to do it. So how do I get past these %@&*^&$#^&* traps?
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