As far the romance options go... I loved the romance in the first KotOR with Carth. I was very disappointed to find that the romance ending for a dark side Revan had been cut.
I adored Valen in NWN: Hordes of the Underdark. I guess maybe I'm just a sucker for half-demon types, but lords, he was hot and he certainly wasn't a "good guy" either. At least, you had some interesting dialog options with him.
As for Disciple... Yuck! I was ready to die when I found out he had an interest in my character. I wanted to go abandon him on some planet along the outer rim and be rid of him.
Bao-Dur just makes you melt at one point where in the dialog, he asks you with that sexy, sexy voice of his, "Was there something you wanted me for?" ...Haha, I can just imagine the replies to that line judging from what I've heard here. =p And I have to admit, I'd be rather guilty myself.
Atton... I liked Atton, I really did. I liked him from the first moment I met him on Peragus II and he made a comment about me running around in underwear. =p At least he was more like a "real" guy, in that aspect. You know Disciple would have been hiding his eyes. And if you think he's such a good guy, you need to the check the dialog file, and some sound files that weren't used in the game. There was a lot of stuff for the romance options that they didn't use, for both male AND female romances. Check the StreamVoice folder, folder 904, folder 904Atton , for one example of what would have happened with Atton, had they not cut so much of the ending. That's more of the light side ending there, though (sound files for two different endings). For a dark side example of a romance with Atton, check folder 903 for Atton's sound files. You'll find he wasn't such a light sider... And I think most of you will absolutely LOVE what you hear for that little snippet that was cut. Trust me.
Sadly, if you actually check the files after beating the game, you find there was a little more to the romances than you saw in game. It's sad it all ended up on the cutting room floor for some reason, but after checking the files, I was less disappointed, at least, to see that something had been written, something had been planned.
But overall, I agree -- better romances, and I wish people would stop being so terrified of a kiss! I can murder innocents, but they can't show a kiss? Bah.
Oh, and, uh... sorry I rambled, and... Hi! I'm new. =p Well, previously a quiet lurker, anyway.
~ D.