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About White-Devil

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    computer games (duuuhh)<br />anime \^^/ (Hunter X Hunter, Naruto)<br />school...no wait...that is not one of my interests
  1. I belive that i have encunterd a bug but im not sure if it was a but or not, oh well. *SPOILER* Okey, so i was on Koriban and where in the "trial" and when i had cleard the part where you have to decide if you are to protect or fight against the old woman, i noticed that the old woman didn't disapeer so i did that part 3 times before i could move on to the last part. *End of spoiler*
  2. okey, this topic has been talked about before, KOTOR 2 F***S up every 5 time I try to switch level\sector\zone (whatever you want to call it). And i mailed my problem to Lucas arts support and they said it was because i didn't meet the standards, but KOTOR worked very very smooth. And they also said that my Radeon 9800 is working as secondary and is inactive, Now i have been told that i can switch it to primary in BIOS, but i dont now where. So my questions are: 1.How can i stop KOTOR 2 from f***ing up? 2.And how can i sett my radeon 9800 as active\primary oh, i might as well post the reply that i got from LA so that you understand what i mean, my english not good this is the reply i got: "Your dxdiag reflects that you may have an on-board Video chipset and the ATI Radeon 9800 is showing as (Secondary) inactive. This however can be fixed by disabling the on-board through the BIOS and updating the ATI Drivers. Once that is corrected you need to also take care of the inactive Sound device entries as well. Inactive Display Entries in Registry Card name: Card name: RADEON 9800 PRO - Secondary Driver: ATI2DRAG.DRV" sure sure, it took up a lot of space, BUT PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO FIX IT! and yea i know that i should have posted my previus post about this problem here. sorry :">
  3. okey, this topic has been talked about before, KOTOR 2 F***S up every 5 time I try to switch level\sector\zone (whatever you want to call it). And i mailed my problem to Lucas arts support and they said it was because i didn't meet the standards, but KOTOR worked very very smooth. And they also said that my Radeon 9800 is working as second and is inactive, Now i have been told that i can switch it to primary in BIOS, but i dont now where. So my questions are: 1.How can i stop KOTOR 2 from f***ing up? 2.And how can i sett my radeon 9800 as active\primary oh, i might as well post the reply that i got from LA so that you understand what i mean, my english not good " this is the reply i got: "Your dxdiag reflects that you may have an on-board Video chipset and the ATI Radeon 9800 is showing as (Secondary) inactive. This however can be fixed by disabling the on-board through the BIOS and updating the ATI Drivers. Once that is corrected you need to also take care of the inactive Sound device entries as well. ------------------------------------ Inactive Display Entries in Registry ------------------------------------ Card name: Card name: RADEON 9800 PRO - Secondary Driver: ATI2DRAG.DRV ---------------------------------- Inactive Sound Entries in Registry ---------------------------------- Card name: Creative SB Live! Wave Device Driver: ctmm16.drv Card name: Rockwell.DeviceDesc Driver: serwvdrv.drv" sure sure, it took up a lot of space, BUT PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO FIX IT
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