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Everything posted by drowninginjello

  1. Nope. It was a simple misinterpretation on my part. Much like if I were to say to you, "so I guess I'm free to call you valea, skimiomita" What would be your interpretation? :D That's fantastic news! I can make a product that performs poorly and cuts the tips of fingers and not be held responsible as long as I make an EULA! LOL! I'm going to get right to work on it! Heheh! (w00t)
  2. I agree Darkling. Demanding something from a company that has no comprehension of the word 'free' where Star Wars is concerned is very unlikely to produce results. Let's be patient and wait for the patch. Once the patch is done and released, then we can calmly mention in the LA boards (not Obsidian's boards) or even start a request board for an expansion pack over at the LA boards. Once LA see's this, they are likely to hear the din of cash register drawers closing and cash receipts printing and push for it. On the subject of KOTOR 3, let's please not jump the gun. I've a bad feeling that LA won't be having Obsidian do KOTOR 3 because of the patch and bugs (LA will pass the buck and the blame). I hope I'm wrong on that bad feeling, though.
  3. The original poster didn't appear to be threatening a lawsuit because the game was poorly made. If I interpret correctly, the original poster is stating that while LA is the company behind star wars, Obsidian is responsible for the design end of the game. And with Obsidian stating they will close the forums because of negativity, I absolutely agree with the poster. When a developer creates something, the developer does have a certain amount of responsibility to the customer or EU (end user) for making certain that the software is fixed. If the issues are matching across sevral customers machines, the issue may be a setting on the customer/EU system. Or it could be a patch is needed. Whichever it is, closing the forums because of customers who paid for a working product are upset that there aren't enough updates on a patch release shows a great deal of irresponsibility and carelessness on Obsidian's part, as well as a lack of respect for it's customers. Good customer service means listening to the customer even when they are upset and trying to resolve the issue or at least soothe the customer into being patient. Telling the customer who bought a product you designed that you don't want to hear their complaints and don't really care about what they think of the product shows great irresponsibility. Example: Let's say I own 'Y Company', and I make a product that will be popular. For this example, we'll call my product 'the amazing dynamic z product'. I release the product and soon after receive complaints that, let's say, it has started to remove the tips of customers fingers. Obvious design flaw. So I have my support and company numbers changed or disconnected due to the large volume of complaints pouring in. Of course a customer will sue me. I neglected to work with the customer to resolve the issue, which would be to replace the fingertips and the products. I would encourage Obsidian to continue to keep the channels open with the customers and be in open communication with the customers. An open and lasting relationship where developer listens to the customer even when the customer is complaining makes for a better relationship. And should Obsidian close the forums, I for one will not purchase another Obsidian product. I support companies that stand behind their product and work to resolve issues with the customers, not against them.
  4. Well, great news is that I finally finished the game tonight. Without any issues/crashes minus the text/dialogue skipping a few times (went to the menu and read the script to see what was said - add that feature into KOTOR3, please). I really am a bit disappointed that was the bad guy behind it all. I would've much more prefered someone less obvious...the lack of a plot twist on it really made the game a tiny bit disappointing. But the gameplay and story were otherwise great. A few things that would be great (spoilers ahead): It would've been great to have a game worth $100 for 2 DVD's worth of (bug/error-free) gameplay. I'd shell it out with a genuine smile on my face. I'd rather have a game that takes me 2 months to finish than one I can finish in a week or two. But then, it wouldn't be incentive enough to go buy another sequel, right? Otherwise a great game. Just not sure if it really was worth $49, however.
  5. I would like to point out to the whining crowd that after completely backing-up everything that I couldn't live without, I formatted my drive, reinstalled XP MCE, and KOTOR2 with my saves and game settings and the latest Forceware drivers. Results? I am happy to report that not only is the lag gone, but I am now at about 70% complete with the game with the high-performance settings. Vast improvement, however drastic. Beats defrag any day, and less painful then a whiskey enima
  6. By 'force persuade', do you mean 'dangle loaded wallet in front of LA'? I would like to point out to the whining crowd that after completely backing-up everything that I couldn't live without, I formatted my drive, reinstalled XP MCE, and KOTOR2 with my saves and game settings and the latest Forceware drivers. Results? I am happy to report that not only is the lag gone, but I am now at about 70% complete with the game with the high-performance settings. Vast improvement, however drastic. Beats defrag any day, and less painful then a whiskey enima
  7. You really prefer the same rush job that was done on the game be done on the patch as well? Wasn't it LA rushing this game out the door early and untested in the first place that ended-up with all of the bugs? I opt for the path of patience. They've stated that a patch is being tested, and that should be enough to make many of you whiners relax. Many of us paid good money for the game as well. Getting angry and typing obscene messages to people at the company will not make anyone happy. If being angry makes you feel better, perhaps you should try playing a game of Postal 2 while you wait for the patch. It would be a great opportunity to vent your anger, as well as laugh a little. In the meantime, let's give Obsidian some breathing room. And be thankful that they weren't forced to release it back when the XBOX version was released (the original release date for this version). That would really be unacceptable (can you say wireframes?). A proper patch would be better-received than an incomplete patch that resolves nothing.
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