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Posts posted by KungFuFerret

  1. I go for Awareness, Persuasion, Security, Demolitions, and Security. I usually don't start working on Repair until later on.


    I don't like having to constantly switch to open containers or doors, or to disarm mines. Especially if I go into solo mode.



    As for upgrading T3, you can start with a 14 INT and simply boost it up either with an implant, or more easily with Force Valor. You can have Kreia get it (since she makes a good buff bot) and use it just outside the Ebon Hawk. Then run inside and find T3 real quick in the Communication room.

  2. My favorite was....



    The original Star War Christmas special, with Luke and Chewie.





    Actually I would have to say Episode 4. My favorite all time scene is when Han Solo is chasing the Storm Troopers, then turns and runs away.


    Han Solo > All. :cool:

  3. Here is your dark calling.


    Sith Lord

    Magnificent! Of all those who have come to me, you are the most worthy. Under my tutelage, you may become a Sith lord - even the one true Dark Lord of the Sith. Only you recognize that morality is for fools and weaklings. You were born to bend the galaxy to your will. You may even restore the Sith Empire to its rightful glory. As you learn from the dark side and become its master, be mindful of one thing: If you fail, the dark side will devour you alive.





  4. Did anyone ever stop to think that there was no bond, merely some ability Kreia used to monitor the Exile?



    I thought of it really more like how Palpatine dealt with Mara Jade more then anything.


    Granted it was used as a story driving element and for game mechanics, but it was also very much one-sided and done in such a way where Kreia could constantly keep the Exile under her thumb.

  5. I think that it's entirely possible that the Exile has somehow bonded with the pain of Malachor V itself. On Telos, the Ithorians kind of even hint at this.



    What the Jedi Masters see I think is merely the echo, not the true state that the Exile is in. But this would cause them to be afraid too. Imagine someone force bonding to an entire planet. And why not? Planets are living things.


    The wound thing comes from how the Exile cut him/herself off. It was so abrupt, and so complete and utter, that is caused the wound (or echo) within the force.


    Now combine the two. The wound that the Exile involuntarily caused and the wound from millions of dead people, and thousands of dead Jedi. They are linked too. Bao Dur may have created the Mass Shadow Generator, but the Exile gave the order. There's NO denying that guilt.


    That's a heavy burden to bear, and overwhelming to any who can sense it. To really see deep past that would take some conscious effort, which Kreia did, but the Council obviously did not.



    As for the Exile and the Force, I honestly believe he/she actually did become re-attuned to the force, much like an accident victim undergoes physical therapy, so in that regard, the Exile is just the same as any other Force user. What IS different, is the reflexive instinct to cut it off again. I believe this was the case with Nihilus.


    Concering your party, it's explained throughout the game about your natural affinity at force bonding. Your companions may willingly wish to help you on your journey, but empathically, they're feeling your emotions, which definitely would sway their decision(s). It's not a deliberate form of control, but it's control nonetheless.


    In the end, it's still your free will choice, but there is no denying that the Force's will itself had a hand in leading you up to that path.



    That's my take on it anyway from the LS point of view.

  6. I really like what they did with the whole interface overhaul. It's so much nicer then the original.


    There are some quirks to it I don't like, the targetting issue bugs, and the stims being on the same selector as medpaks, but otherwise the improvements more then make up for it.


    I also like how they made skills more useful. Picking Soldier/Guardian in the first game was a no brainer. In KOTOR 2, the idea of NOT having those skills makes me wince.


    I also suspect this is why the evened out the BABs for the classes, to compensate.


    The new robes! I HATED the robes in KOTOR with a passion.


    I really like what they did with T3. Here they take the most neglected character from KOTOR 1, and give him a life of his own.


    For once, I actually got to play a Jedi character, without having to go through half a game of explanations as to what a Jedi is, how to act, blah, blah, blah.



    Kreia. She kept me trying to second guess her the whole game, and I rather enjoyed that challenge.

  7. Yeah, see? That works for me! Darned Juma Juice. It'll do it to ya every time.



    Seriously, has anyone even read all the original scripts Lucas wrote for the trilogy and how much he changed them?


    Only bits and pieces actually made it into the films.



    This reminds me of the debate about Vader really being Luke's father when ESB first came out (and I was around back then.) Ironically enough, almost everyone hated the whole idea and refused to believe it was true. And now they accept it without question, hahaha.



    It's George's story. Merely enjoy the fact that he's shared it with us.



    At one point he contemplated doing Episodes 7, 8 and 9, and was going to throw out all of Zahn's work. Why? It's HIS story! And if he does, so what?

  8. Of the women, the only one who struck me as halfway interesting was Mira.


    Unfortunately, that goes absolutely nowhere.


    Visas was too submissive.


    Handmaiden was just entirely too insecure. She got on my nerves immediately and no amount of flooziness on her part got her off my @#$% list.



    Mira knew what she wanted, and how she wanted it. And if she didn't like something, the blaster she had pointing at you would be a good indication she wasn't amused. Gotta respect her spunkiness. She reminded me of Bastilla far more then the other two did.


    Speaking of which, Visas and Handmaiden would both lose if they ever got into an arguing match with Bastilla. Visas would try to come across with some insightful retort, and fail miserably. And Haindmaiden would get upset and go cry in the cargo-hold. Mira would at the least hold her own.



    Romances aside, what I really missed the most is Mission and Jolee.



    The most memorable moments I have from KOTOR 1 is Mission trying to get Zalbaar to brush his teeth or comb his fur. It wasn't so much what she said, but how she said it. And of course just about anything Jolee said. Jolee always had me laughing.


    Aside from Atton and T3, it seemed like a lot of that was missing in KOTOR 2. o:)

  9. But to be honest it would have been better if she was evil to begin


    That's what makes her so evil! And Palpatine for that matter. In Palpatine's case, he would actually do good deeds. Kreia stops shy of that.



    Hypothetically, that may have been the intention, yes. Palpatine has always been my favorite Sith Lord because (at least in Episode 1 and 2) he's... well, subtle, and watching him pull strings is a lot of fun, both in the movies and in the books and comics. 





    I have to agree completely. The real story imbedded within Episodes 1 and 2 is Palpatine. And if you don't pay attention to what he's doing, the majority of what's REALLY going on goes whoosh!


    He has his Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde scenarios and plays them off quite well.


    When I first saw Darth Maul, I thought to myself, "Aha! So Lucas picked up the Red Ensign syndrome!" And sure enough, Maul dies. Such is the fate of good loyal lap dogs. Roll over! Play dead! Good doggy!


    Dooku was a bit more interesting. I especially liked when he told Obi-Wan the truth, and Obi-Wan rejected him.


    I also think Lucas deliberately made Palpatine and Yoda's images the way he did. Looks can be deceiving.



    It's just another piece to the puzzle... That, when applied to the board, may not even fit right, because hey- Kreia lies.


    Ah, but what makes her even more insidious is, she tells you the truth too!


    Ask her who the Betrayer is, and listen to her response.



    It's easy for these dialogue options to get lost in the shuffle because most people are playing for light side and dark side points


    That's not entirely true in all cases. The first time I played, I was trying to figure out my character and who and what I was. So when it came to stuff regarding the war, I took the moral high ground with going to war to save countless lives. You didn't necessarily get light points or dark points for doing so, but you could delve deeply into the dialog that way. Especially with Atris and the Jedi Council.


    Even before that cut-scene, you got the feeling something just wasn't quite right with her based on some comments she would make, or other things you could get her to say. When you left Peragus for example, and her wanting to blow everything up. It was the little things that set your teeth on edge. Much like your first encounter with an HK-50. The little slips, or "unspoken" meanings.


    iirc, I didn't see that cut-scene until Dantooine (my 1st stop), but there was plenty that she did on Telos that set me on edge due to my LS actions. By Nar Shadaa (my 2nd stop), I knew that she could only be evil. No grey Jedi would tell me that by helping others, I strengthen myself, and weaken them. Only a Sith believes that. And only a Sith could possibly be interested in actually harnessing any kind of gain from such.




    As for Master Vrook, I see him (and the Jedi Council in KOTOR as a whole) as a parody of the prequel films. The Council has grown complacent and entirely too arrogant for it's own good. They hurt themselves just as much as the Sith do, and this is why their influence is fading.


    Master Zez-Kai Ell is the one member of the council who realizes what's going on, and feels ashamed.


    I felt this was especially relevant given what they had the audacity to do to Revan in KOTOR 1.



    That's definitely the truth.


    And as such, I absolutely love how Lucas himself will happily sweep that stuff away to put forth his OWN ideas for his OWN story.



    I look at EU and such as entertainment, and nothing more. SW has been changed around before, and it'll be changed around again. As long as it's Lucas doing the house-cleaning, I don't mind. When other people try to turn it into their own story, that's when it's no longer Star Wars.


    And as far as comics go, hahah... I have the first 8 issues of the ORIGINAL Star Wars comics around here somewhere. And you know what? They have absolutely NOTHING to do with the story per se.


    Even the Empire Strikes Back super sized comic I have is different from the movie.




    I got KOTOR for enjoyment purposes and thought it would be neat to play in an era that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the typical Star War storyline. I got tired of interacting and being a vicarious hero in a time where the actions my in-game persona really amounted to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things.


    I could have cared less if KOTOR was "factual" or not. I'd assumed it wasn't given Lucas didn't write it himself. And knowing that, I figured if he ever got around to doing so, it'd all be changed anyway so it was no big deal.


    Argue all you want, he's already done that with the prequels. I'm sure it's not the last time he'll do that. :thumbsup:"

  11. The majority of the DS options in the game in reality seemed more like the standard recruit test for the Exchange.


    The stereotypical brutality thug thing was fairly lame imo. But I guess some enjoyed being as shallow as Hanharr. /shrug


    The situation with Mission in KOTOR 1, now that was evil.


    But for the most part in KOTOR 2, it would have been so much more fun to be able to play DS being more manipulative, like Kreia. You can do far more evil things by getting the thugs to do your dirty work for you, then to do it yourself. In this sense, Goto's a much bigger villain then you are, because you're his lackey.


    The downside is, they had to make the LS and DS choices very very obvious to people, so I attribute it to that. They did a much better job in Fallout and Fallout 2 with the "dark side" choices.



    The LS path they did a good job on. I was very impressed.


    The DS path, seemed fairly mindless to me.




    So on topic with the thread, I found it somewhat difficult to play DS as well, because I found the options to do so, quite limited.


    I view the DS more like a disease, and the intention is to spread the disease. Cause more suffering, more hatred, and more despair. If you kill everything in your path, you cauterize all the wounds immediately, thus thwarted yourself.


    What's the point?


    On Nar Shadaa there's a guy who lies to the Exchange thugs and tells them you have his money. I found it served the purposes of the Dark Side far better to convince them to take him into slavery, then to force dominate the thugs to jump into the pit, and kill the man.


    There should have been options like that for every situation throughout the game.

  12. Nihilus was handled exactly how they intended.


    Kreia tells you one thing, but the Jedi Masters tell you another. And when you reunite them, the answer is right there. Sifting through Kreia's lies and truths can be difficult, but the Jedi never lie to you.


    A vacuum cannot simply leach from a vacuum. And that is what the whole Nihilus scene was meant to convey. Kreia KNEW this would happen, which is why she lured you both there.


    When you nullify someone's greatest strength while maintaining your own, it's simply no contest. And this was the case when the showdown happened. Nihilus had absolutely NO clue that you were a threat. And he paid the price for it.


    While they could have done more with Nihilus, they really didn't need to. You take away his ability to drain the force essence from things, and what is he? Nothing.


    If anything, I'm surprised what minimal control he had over the Ravager didn't collapse right then and there, causing everyone on board to perish, provided Tobin hadn't been lying about it.



    As for Atris, I think they handled her quite well. You can really push her buttons if you argue with her about the Mandalorian war and learn right then and there, that she's fallen to the Dark Side. With all the Handmaidens about, and some of the dialog options, it quickly becomes obvious what she's up to. IF you have Kreia in your party when you speak to them, this just further confirms that something underhanded is going on.


    After leaving Telos and seeing the holo-recording, you know beyond a doubt that she's been consumed by her hatred.


    For some, she might not have been overly obvious, but she does help fill in a lot of backstory. Both the 1st time, as well as the 2nd time you see her.



    This is from a LS Female point of view, not sure how it is with the others. I'm still working through the DS Male point of view. It seems in some cases, what they say to you in certain situations is entirely dependant upon things you have done, as well as whether you are light side, or dark side.



    What I am curious about is if there are any "grey" options per se. Actual dialog options and responses that you can only see if you decide to remain a grey Jedi. I haven't tried it because you give up having a prestige class to do so, otherwise you could potentially skew the game into thinking your LS or DS. It also takes Visas completely out of the picture, and possibly both Hanharr and Mira.

  13. Kreia's whole focus is to show you how to impact things down the road, just by pulling a single string.


    In reality, Kreia's not much different then Palpatine, aside from being grumpier, and less inclined to pretend to be a good-guy. I wouldn't say she tried to remain neutral though. No matter how you play, you quickly pick up on a sinister evil lurking below the surface.


    She's patient, but her patience only goes so far.


    The whole EU thing has over simplified the Star Wars Universe in general, and as such, because so many have had preconceived notions, have hated the prequels, which are very much as grey as this game. For the most part, Lucas himself completely ignores the EU, so as far as I'm concerned, none of it exists anyway.



    I'd really like to see more characters like Kreia in games period.

  14. I really enjoyed KOTOR 2.


    I get so annoyed and tired of games like KOTOR where you spend seemingly half the game being introduced and coddled through the game.


    It really hurts the game flow imo.


    KOTOR 2, much like PS:T doesn't coddle you at all. You start off in much the same way, immediately in danger and no clue as to what the heck is going on.


    There were tons of improvements upon the original game. Too many to really list, but all of them seemed for the better. The new interface was especially nice, compared to the original.


    I especially liked the revamped skill system, and rewards thereof, as well as the new dialog options. It really brought more life to the game. My only gripe is that I'd for once like to see a Star Wars game allow someone to follow the dark side without having to resort to the typically idiotic "thug" mentality that so many seem to think is what being Sith is all about. I'd like to see some future games allow the insidious and devious side be able to be played effectively. While KOTOR 2 did allow this to a small degree, the majority of the dark side options were of the thug mentality. It's very difficult to play through with a Palpatine type persona and remain fully within the influence of the Dark Side. I realize that the options to do so wouldn't be glaringly obvious, but it would be nice if they WERE there.


    A good example of what I mean is; in the Refuge Sector on Nar Shadaa. Convincing the Overseer, or even the Serroco, to let the refugees starve to death to draw in the Jedi would be far more evil then what you could do in there presently. A) You aren't mindlessly offing someone, B) you've done far more harm in a grander scale. C) Created a huge echo within the force. D) Kreia would be very pleased. :wub:


    I get so tired of the a-typical Malak, Sion mentality for bad guys. They're so easily predictable. Obvious granduates of the "B3 4 B4DGUY F0R DUMMI3S" handbook.


    As for the story, I liked it much better then the original. Any game that can keep me guessing throughout, gets a big plus in my book. Nothing is more of a let down then being able to predict a game well in advance. Not only that, but I'd much prefer layer upon layer upon layer, over stark black and white.


    I enjoed the prequel films for this very reason. There's so much going on under the surface that it's simply amazing. But if you're not into that sort of thing, I can see where people would be upset. It's hard to swim in an environment when you're used to being spoon fed all the time.


    Obsidian gets kudos from me on a top notch game with a top notch storyline. :wub:

  15. Later you can find B4-D4 and T1-N1 in the shuttle bay awaiting a trip off Telos and they tell you about their travel plans now that they have their new freedom.


    As a LS female when you ask Atton about playing Pazaak in his head, if you say "No, not Nar Shadaa rules" he'll reply, "No, we're keeping our clothes on...."



    Toward the end of Onderon, with the fight in the Royal Palace, the Queen kicking Vaklu's butt. Some Mandalorian War hero he was hahaha.

  16. There's another subtle difference.


    For the guys, Nar Shadaa Pazaak rules is no blasters.


    For the gals, it's no clothes.



    I actually had Handmaiden and Visas get into a cat fight in one game. And because of it, Handmaiden refused to talk to me at all anymore.


    Ironically, I hadn't talked to either one of them at that point because I was trying to finish getting my DS mastery for my prestige class. I'd lost a big chunk working on T3 and Bao Dur for influence.


    Handmaiden to me seemed even worse then Disciple. Aside from her devotion to her echani fight training, she had some severe insecurity complexes on whether you had a relationship with anyone, including Atris. She was the Juhani of KOTOR 2 IMO.


    To see the holovid with Carth or Bastilla with T3, all you need is enough influence, and a 16 INT. Force Valor works. Just don't skip through the dialogue too quickly. I did that and had a holo version of Carth on the Ebon Hawk until I played through the video again.



    Overall I liked Mira, Atton and Kreia the best. For KOTOR 2, I'd have to say T3 really eclipsed HK-47. It's hard not to like Canderous. He's as honest as he is blunt. The others I could really have cared less for. I REALLY missed Jolee, but Atton filled the gap.

  17. With my Consular/Sith Lord, I've actually found Force Choke/Kill to be extremely useful, even at the highest difficulty. I've had success using it on the jedi masters (Vrook was down in seconds), Sion, and Nihilus. Stun me will you? CHOKE on this!


    Force Mastery, Master Force Focus, and a high wisdom really help. The saves for NPCs are insanely high otherwise. Add on Crush Opposition that you get as a Sith Lord, and you can land anything on anyone, which is nice. :(


    Force Camo is quite useful with Stun as well, provided you can consistantly get it to work. I used it a lot on Malachor V combined with Stealth Run.



    Unfortunately, with how the game is devised, you either really rely on your melee skills, or your force skills. It's very difficult to do both and be effective, unless you go the finesse route and boost dex via items, and wisdom via stat increases during leveling. Even so, you sacrifice a lot of melee damage potential by having a low strength. You can offset this with Shien form and Power Attack though. They add a total of x2 to your critical multiplier. Add in Keen and you can do some hefty damage consistantly. Unfortunately, Consulars never get the form.



    Revitalize I could never think of a decent use for.


    Force Aura was totally uneeded, especially if you're a Sentinel/Watchman. By Malachor V, I didn't even have to use a gas mask. I just ran through the cracks and never got poisoned. Sentinels have some awesome saves and immunities :(



    Force Immunity I only used with Kreia at the end my first game through. If the jedi in the game used force powers on you like they did in KOTOR, it'd have been worthwhile. But they don't, so it isn't.


    Force Breach I used only once. To drop Kreia's Force Immunity. Not that it helped much once it was down. See above.


    Destroy Droid was totally worthless. I simply had Kreia master Force Storm which worked on everything instead of only being situational. I disarmed the mines for XP, and broke them down for components. Later, I had Visas learn Force Storm and boosted her CHA to take advantage of her base high CHA (I played LS first)


    Vitality Regeneration. Aside from the beginning, it was completely worthless. And in the beginning, Energy Resistance, and Force Deflection would serve you well onto Dantooine or wherever you went after Telos until you constructed your lightsaber.


    Throw Saber sucked in KOTOR. I didn't even bother in KOTOR 2.


    Mind Trick I never saw a use for either. Why leave XP standing?

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