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Everything posted by Wyked

  1. If you are up to trying something a little different check out a half life mod called "Natural Selection" the majority of the gameplay is FPS, but there is a RTS mode that is interesting to take a look at. Its solely multi player, but one person on the marine team gets a top down view with RTS gameplay, resource management, troop waypoints, upgrades and what not. The interesting part is that all your units and all the enemy units are actual players and not A.I. steepish learning curve too
  2. wow, so much pc hate here.. : ) a couple points, PC gaming isnt going anywhere, if it stays a niche area thats fine, but it wont die away. You have too many mods/indy projects/technology makers coming out on the PC. All the groundbreaking technology titles will be hitting PC first, because the PC is always getting innovation first (when it hits market, not when it hits the next production cycle for console release) so drastically better lighting/physics/A.I. will remain PC "hardcore" untill consoles come around again (something to watch out for here are the physics processing unit boards that have been going around the chat circles) The second is that a lot of PC games give you so much more gameplay for the money you spend on them. The system itself costs much more (1000 compared to 300 for a new system) but then a 50-60 dollar game gives you a ton more if you pick right. Take Half-Life 2.. 60 bucks gets you Hl2, CS, CS:S DoD, NS, TS and DoD:S when it comes out, and those are just the big name mods. Neverwinter Nights is another game that gives so much more back to the user for his/her money. Third is the Indy scene, Aside from Alien Hominid i dont really know of any small time devs that break into the market with a fun/innovative game. Consoles are the turf of big budget/low risk games. You get some gems like katamari once in a while, but for the most part you get just polished up rehashes of solid gameplay. On the PC you have a huge selection of free games if you want to look. Cave Story was one i just recently checked out.. low specs, free downloads, minimum graphics, but really fun. Sure consoles are catching up, but i really dont see them overtaking the PC at its strength, Community Input. BTW, just to note my take on the price argument.. you can say you have a console cuz its cheaper, you cant say the console is better cuz its cheaper.. its like saying your mobile home is better than my ocean view mansion cuz you payed less for it.. just makes me laugh ; )
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