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Everything posted by SoulXRaven

  1. Pffft. It was the game save.
  2. Okay, so, last night, I was playing KOTOR 2 on my Xbox fine. I am playing as a LS Male Jedi Guardian, and I saved after talking with Atris, before collecting my party members or even dueling the Handmaidens. After I saved, I watched a movie. This morning, I loaded KOTOR 2 and there wasn't any text on the "Press Start" screen. I pressed start anyway, and on the main menu, instead of "New Game; Load Game; Music; etc etc..." It says, "S into T; Aid Point; R Must; [empty];" and " Have P". I loaded my game, and never once was the text correct. There is no dialogue text, even when my character responds. I don't know if it's the disc, or if my game save is corrupted.
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