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Everything posted by Quantomas_of_EE

  1. The documentary shows the human quality of your work. It has a touch of greatness. Thank you for this precious gift. I am still playing PoE, very slowly, it's possibly already 100 hours and I am still in Act II and haven't visited Twin Elms nor Raedric's Hold yet. It's a fantastic place to spend time in each evening after dinner. My feedback will come once I have seen the conclusion, but I can imagine perfectly to agree with our adversary in the end. There are a couple of things for which I have to congratulate you right away. The music and sound is incredible. There are places in which I just have to sit and soak in the atmosphere, listening to the music and sound. Its quality is astounding, luckily a vendor convinced me to get a Gigabyte mainboard with a 108db SNR and excellent codec built-in (beats the quality of my dedicated HiFi CD player every day), and with the audio cable connected to a HiFi stereo system with proper boxes, oh boy, PoE feels like music given life. The art, architecture and environments work perfectly in unison with the music. The other absolute high note is PoE's voice acting, which is of course a credit to your writing as well. The dialog I had with Durance and his rhetorical use of "Murder you?" is deserving of an award. Lady Webb also comes to mind as a performance that draws the player truly into the game, simply because she hits the mark perfectly.
  2. You can significantly improve load times by trimming your savegame directory, if you move all but a handful of saves to another folder.
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