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Everything posted by RussianLaw

  1. Some people on reddit reported that corpses get warped to the nearby fast travel point if you can't find your last one. Ended up restarting my playthrough to get around this rather than progress with a half-finished quest log. Hopefully that's the last time I'll have to do so.
  2. Hi, loving the game so far (playing on PC/Steam) but I ran into a quest progression issue with the Yellowbands bounty in the first zone. I killed the bandits and collected their trophy items twice (they respawned somehow) before getting the bounty quest, which immediately progressed to the "Collect your reward" stage, but talking to the bounty NPC doesn't present an option to turn in my trophies for the reward. Ideally I'd love some sort of console command so I can fix this and continue playing ASAP.
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